twenty nine

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Harry was taking me out downtown today. He insisted on it, because according to him, it would be nice for me to get some fresh air after spending most of the week inside. He also told me to put a little effort into myself today since we were going to be out in the public. That resulted with me throwing a pillow at him while he laughed and ran away from me.

It was a Saturday morning. The streets were filled with people that wanted to go to the marked that was here every Saturday. Harry and I strolled down the marked and to my surprise he seemed more into it than I was. Harry stood by the exotic fruit section, talking to the ladies in the booth in the charming way he always did.

I got a warm happy feeling in my stomach watching him interact these ladies. At how polite he was, making jokes and just being himself. I could feel myself slowly falling in love with him. It was sad that I had to meet him the way I did.

He saw me coming and his smile widened. "Hey Lydia! You have to try these." He held out a fruit that was similar to a plum.

"They are called..." He furrowed his brows and looked at the lady in the booth.

"Mango steens," she continued for him.

"You kinda have to crush the shell and then eat the white fruit inside," he said and demonstrated it on the one he just gave me.

Both Harry and I took a bite of the white fruit inside. It was something that I had never tasted before, the taste of something sweetly sour lingered on my tongue.

"Oh my god, these are good!" I said surprised.

"I know!" Harry grinned. "Could we get two bags of these?" He asked the lady.

After we had looked through the whole marked, we continued to the park.

The sun was shining out on this lovely day in late May. The park was crowded with parents and children at the playground and people walking their dogs elsewhere.

Harry was wildly texting someone as we walked.

"Why are texting like a 13 year old girl all out of a sudden?" I laughed.

He quickly shoved his phone in his pocket. "No, specific reason," he shrugged.

A suspicion rose that he was hiding something, but instead I decided to just shake it off, hoping that it wasn't something big.

"It's weird," I said, looking out on the old ladies that were feeding the swans at the lake.


"I can't even remember the last time I was at the park. It's been so long," I said.

He looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"I don't think I have been here properly since my 18th birthday, which a little more than 3 years ago."

"With who?" He asked.

I tried to hide a little smile on my lips. "My ex, Jamie."

"Oh," he said.

"We had just decided to break up at the time. He was going to study across the country and I was just staying here in Fresno. We were just celebrating my birthday," I smiled, thinking of the memories.

"Do you miss him?" He asked, the question shocked me.

"We were best friends many years before we eventually got together and then we were in a relationship for five years before we ended it. So yes, I guess a part of me will always miss him. They say that you'll never forget your first love."

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