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I felt Zayn's bare body against mine as his warm breath hit my neck. My mind kept wandering over last night's events. What had I done? I clearly knew that Paul's rule about not getting involved with the boys didn't apply to Zayn, but it felt like I had broken a rule. Zayn wasn't a guy I had met at the bar and invited him back to my apartment. This was different.

"Morning, Lyd," Zayn whispered with a husky voice as his arms wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer.

"Good morning."

"Last night was good, wasn't it?" He mumbled into my neck, placing little kisses there.

I bit my lips and didn't say a word. "When does our flight leave?" I asked, changing the theme.

"Three pm."

"Which means that we should leave for the airport at noon, also in two hours."

"No, I don't want leave yet. Let's change our ticket or something," he groaned.

"No, we can't. I promised the guys I would be back before dinner and Harry is picking me up from the airport, so we better be there in time," I said.

"Yeah, Harry is picking you up," he grinned.

"Shut up," I mumbled. I stood up with the duvet firmly gripped on to my bare chest and did some neck stretches. I picked up Zayn's shirt that was laying on the floor, putting in on and went over to my suitcase to get some fresh clothes before I headed to the bathroom.

I stripped off the shirt and into the hot steaming shower I just turned on. I let the hot water run down my body, while my thoughts kept running over the past events that had happened. Regret was the word I was looking for.

I stepped out of the shower and started to get ready while I let my brown curly hair mess air dry. When I got out of the bathroom, Zayn was still sleeping on the bed. I quietly grabbed my things and started packing my suitcase.

I had no idea what Zayn thought about the situation last night. My biggest worry was that he was going to think this meant something to him, when it didn't mean a thing to me. I hated to over-analyze things, still I couldn't help myself.

I looked over at the bed where Zayn was sleeping. His muscular tan body was a contrast against the white sheets. The sound of his light was the only thing the filled the room. A vibrating feeling the back pocket of my jeans. I fished up my phone and read the called ID.

It was my mother.

My heart dropped to my stomach. It had been months since I last saw her. I didn't realize how much I missed her. I went into the bathroom, put down the toilet seat and sat down before answering the call.

"Mom?" I almost whimpered.

"Lydia? How are you? It's been a while, I just wanted to check in on you," her soothing voice told me on the other line.

"I'm fine, it's been pretty hectic around here," I sighed. Words couldn't explain how much I wanted to tell her everything.

"I understand. Restaurants can be quite busy some times."

"Yeah..." I chuckled nervously.

"So when are you going to visit your old mother or even better when can your old mother visit her baby daughter?" She laughed.

"No!" I shouted and shoot up from my seat. I immediately put my hands over my mouth, in case I had woken Zayn up. "I mean, I'll visit you when I get the time. I hate to have someone over and I barely have any time or energy to make them feel welcome," I said.

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