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3 years later


I looked down at the piece of paper on my desk, I had spent written the whole night when my phone buzzed and I saw it was work related.

"Hi, Diane. What's the news?" I picked up the phone, trying to hide a yawn escaping from my lips.

"Wait, did you stay up all night for the investigation?" Diane on the other line asked.

"No," I shook my head. "Just some personal stuff. I'm alright, but why did you call?"

"Oh right, we need you to come down and look at some analysis in the computer this evening."

"Yeah, that'll be no problem."

I hug up the phone and went over to the kitchen and got myself a cup of coffee. The letter was still in my hands and I was wondering if I was really gonna send it.

The past three years have been anything but normal. After my arrest, a FBI detective got interested in my case. So she took the time and looked into my case and got me a lawyer because she believed I was innocent in this case after investigating in my past history. That FBI detective was Diane and she was one of my good friends today.

After I told my side of story without dragging the guys into the mess, my lawyer managed to win my case against the court while Zayn got sentenced for 10 years. And Diane, who looked into my case, wanted to use me to get more information about the society for illegal shipment trading and that's what I have been doing the past years. Working for the FBI. It still sounded so surreal.

I moved away from Fresno and to downtown LA. Closer to the city so I could easily drown myself in work, and at most times it worked. I was always the girl who used to overthink. It's safe to say I'm still the same.

I finally decided to send the letter after a while of contemplating. The weird thing was that I wasn't the only one in LA. Last night, during a slow night, I looked up his name and found out that he had started at university. It was such a bittersweet feeling knowing that the man you loved was finally doing something he loved.

The man at the post office sent me a smile when I entered. The letter with my handwriting of his name on top was still in my hands. And then I decided to sent it.

I walked out feeling I was about to start my life over.


"Listen, Diane, I did not oversleep!" I claimed through the phone as I ran through my apartment trying to get ready for work.

"Well, I am here alone and I'm missing my partner," she complained.

"I bet you that you're more bummed out about being alone since it's been quiet on the work front," I laughed.

"You're right! Where are they hiding?" She groaned. "I just need to fill the void in my empty life with work."

"I'm with you on that," I said putting on my jacket and shoes. "I'm literally out the door now."

"Good, but the traffic sucks."

I closed the door and locked it with my free hand and the other with my phone in my hand. "The traffic never gets to me, but I'll be th-"

My body froze and I dropped the keys in my hands when I was met with the too familiar figure in the hallway. The man I loved, but tried to convince myself that I didn't anymore. It was all lies. Seeing him standing there, all my feeling came rushing through once again. I felt 21 and in love again. His green eyes were the same. Soft and kind. Harry.

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