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Last night was still so vivid for me. The ball, meeting Zayn, dancing with Harry, confronting Madeline and getting chased by her men. I laid in my bed awake. The night's events had tapped me off all energy, but I was still feeling wide awake at 3 AM. I decided to go to the kitchen and get a glass of water. The house was quiet, but I wondered if one of the guys was up thinking like I was. There was a faint light coming from the kitchen. Somebody must have forgotten to turn the light off, I thought. I was wrong. Harry was standing there only in his underwear. His hair was fallen down in front of his face as he looked down on the stove.

I didn't say a word or make a sound, but he saw me. "Can't sleep?" He asked, half smiling.

"Yeah," I mumbled.

"I'm making some tea, would you like some?" He asked gently.

"Yes, thank you," I answered and sat down on the stool. I planned to get a glass of water, but tea sounded more tempting.

He poured me a cup and sat down next to me at the counter. A silence filled the room as we sipped on our tea.

"What a night," he spoke up, breaking the silence. He blew on the hot tea before taking another sip of it.

"Mhm," I agreed.

"You did great today," he said. I could see his smile with his dimples craved into his cheek from the light from the stove.

"Thank you," I said. A smile grew on my face, but I couldn't ignore the guilt that laid down in the bottom of my stomach. I was lying to all of them.

There was a silence again, but I didn't mind. It was 3 AM and none of us was in a talkative mood, I understood. The whole situation was still surreal for me. I was living in a house with four guys and we were doing illegal actions, when just a few months ago I was living alone, working at a shitty restaurant.

After we finished our tea and I helped him rinse off the cups. We quietly walked up the stairs, when the sound of a loud snoring interrupted us.

"Ugh, sleeping beauty is in his deep sleep now," Harry groaned, running his hand through his hair.

I giggled at Harry's nickname for Niall. "I'm sorry."

We stopped outside our doors. "What are you sorry about?"

"I took your room, so it's my fault that you are sharing a room with Niall," I mumbled. I don't know what happened to me. Normally, I would tell him to quit being a princess and suck it up, but it was 3 AM and I wasn't thinking clearly.

"No, don't think about it. If I know you, I know that you wouldn't survive two days with Niall before you attempt to murder him," he chuckled and I joined him.

"You know, if you want to you can sleep in my room?" I suggested hopefully.

His brows furrowed in confusion, not quite believing what I had asked. "No, I don't wanna bother you," he politely declined.

"C'mon, the bed is huge and I'm a tiny person. Besides, it's impossible to sleep with a bulldozer next to you. I know that, because my sister snores."

"Well, if you insist," he said with that smirk plastered on his lips.

"Don't mistake my kindness for flirting, jackass," I rolled my eyes, grabbing his hand.

Harry laid down next to me on my king size bed. My eyes immediately felt heavy after hitting the pillow.

"Lydia?" He whispered.

"What?" I mumbled half asleep.

"Your ass looks sexy in those tight shorts," he said. I wasn't facing him, but I could already see the stupid grin on his face.

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