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I was leaving for Seattle today. I was supposed to take a cab to the airport, but Harry insisted on driving me there. To save money, he said, but money wasn't a problem for us and he knew that. I kind of wished that he didn't drive me there. He kept going over rules, I should be following since I was a girl traveling alone. He acted like a protective dad and I was a little girl going on a trip with her girlfriends.

Don't talk to strangers.

Watch out for pocket thieves.

Always keep your ID with you.

Call me if you need help.

"For the last time, Harry. I will be alright! I have my family around me," I groaned in the passenger seat.

"I'm just watching out for you."

"May I remind you that I have lived alone in my studio apartment for two years," I pointed out.

"Yeah, but look where that got you?" He said, pointing out that I was now in a gang doing illegal actions.

"I am going to ditch you guys and join another team in Seattle," I said sarcastically.

He laughed at my answer. "You wouldn't make it there."

"I accidentally knocked out Niall. I could definitely make it," I said, cocking my brow at him.

"You just caught him off guard."

"I can't believe you're defending him and still don't believe in me," I said faking a hurt tone in my voice.

He stopped on the parking lot at the airport. There were cars and people everywhere, making it feel like we had to rush our goodbyes. He helped me with my little suitcase.

"You don't need to follow me inside," I said, mostly because I was afraid he might run into Zayn and my stupid lie would be exposed.

"Goodbye then," he said, pulling me into a big hug. I liked how he rested his chin on the top of my head. It was the ideal height for me. I wrapped my arms around his body removing all space between us.

"I feel like we are this inseparable couple and I'm the girlfriend who has to leave for a month and it's really hard for us both," I laughed into his chest.

"I bet we are," he said.

I said goodbye one last time and went into the airport towards the check-in counter and saw Zayn standing there. He was dressed in some dark denim jeans, a white t-shirt, a black leather jacket and paired with some Ray Bans on his face.

I was going to make some snarky remark about him wearing the glasses inside, but he spoke up before me.

"Did you and your boyfriend get to say goodbye? It sure took a while," he mocked me.

I rolled my eyes. "He is not my boyfriend, Mr 'I am better than you, so I wear my sunglasses inside'," I snarled at him.

He let out a little laugh before taking of his sunglasses, hanging them the neckline of his shirt and handed me a plane ticket. "Let's go."

I felt a buzz my jacket pocket. I fished up my phone from my jacket. It was a text from Harry.


I couldn't help but smile at him worrying about me. I replied back to him.

No I haven't. I might watch it tonight. Thanks for your recommendation, see you on Sunday :))

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