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I was standing in the lobby of a huge office building. A little man with friendly smile came over to me. "Lydia Carter?" He asked. His hair was short and bright as the sun.

I politely nodded and flashed him a gentle smile.

"Great! Follow me, Paul is waiting for you," he said with a smile as I followed him to a conference room.

A middle aged man was sitting there at the end of the table with two huge guys behind him. He had a stern look in his eyes, causing me to get more nervous than I already was. Exhaling a deep breath, I went through the whole act I had practiced with Zayn earlier in my head. I knew what to answer.

"Sit down," the guy I assumed was Paul said with a deep manly voice.

I sat down on the chair a couple of feet away from him. Paul didn't look like the type to deal with illegal shipments, but neither did Zayn, so who were I to judge.

"Lydia Sophie Carter. 21 years old. Waitress with no college degree," he platonically said, reading of a paper he was holding.

My palms were sweating and my hands were shaking as I hid them under the table. "Yes, that's right." I hated how he had to mention how I had no college degree. It wasn't my decision. Money had always been tight since it was only my mother who worked to support us. She decided to send my big sister Sky to community college, only to find out that she failed every course because she didn't care about school and was out partying every day.

"Well, I gotta say that I am impressed," his voice sounded friendlier. "Coach Porter has written a really good evaluation of you, even better than he did with my boys."

A smile started to grow on my face for a reason. Coach Porter was really hard and stern with me, I felt happy knowing that he was satisfied with my training since he barely said any words to me during training.

"Miss Carter, do you think you got what it takes to join my team? Are you willing to commit 100 percent to this?"

I folded my hands together, putting one leg over the other. This was the speech I had prepared. "Of course, I know I got what it takes," I started off. "I have been been dangling around outside of society's expectations to know that I will never be able to live up to those expectations. I don't want to work at shitty restaurant for the rest of my life. I may never be a doctor or a ballerina like a dreamed of when I was a kid, but that's okay. When I was on Jonathan's team before he was killed, I got to do one mission and that mission brought out something in me I had never seen before. I saw a strong woman, willing to do everything if she put her mind into it. I had worked, sweat and bled for it. So I know that I got what it takes." At the end of the speech, I wanted to throw my fist at the table for extra effects, but I had to strain myself to not do it.

"Hm, Jonathan was a strong competition. It seemed like he always got the deals," Paul said annoyed.

"Yeah, that was because of me," I lied. "Having a girl on the team was really benefitting for the teams."

To be honest, I had no idea who Jonathan was. Zayn told me that he was the leader of the most powerful team, before he one day got shot by some enemies. Nobody knew about Zayn's team and he wanted to keep it that way, that's why he made up a cover story and sent me off.

"If it worked for Jonathan, it doesn't hurt to it at least try," he said, flicking through the papers for the tenth time. It looked like he was reading every single detail about me. "You read the contract right?"

I nodded. "Yes, if the first mission goes well, I will gladly extend it," I lied. I had spent about two nights in a row, reading through every peace detail. When I got the contract, everything seemed more real. The contract was for the first mission, there were no year limit as one mission could take from one month till one year after that I could sign a year contract. That contract also stated I had to keep what I was doing a secret for the public people, close family and friends were okay. I would get paid every month, which was a lot, it was twice the size of my yearly wage. And if I didn't follow the contract, they could kill me and it frightened me. I laid awake many nights because I was scared.

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