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I looked over at Zayn as we walked down the streets of Seattle. His cheeks were slightly pink because of the cold air. It was the beginning of April and spring hadn't made a full appearance yet. The streets were busy with people in thin coats and thick scarves wrapped around their neck as they ran to their next destination, going on with their normal day. My day wasn't normal. In fact, my life wasn't normal anymore. I wasn't the tired waitress anymore that didn't do anything fun. It was crazy to think that I was in Seattle for a wedding with Zayn, a guy that had kidnapped me and forced me into doing illegal work. The thing that was even crazier was that I was fine with it.

I walked closely next to Zayn while we walked down the busy streets. He was looking at the people and the buildings as we passed and I was lost in my deep thoughts. There was a silence, but not an awkward silence, a comfortable one. "We should probably head to the hotel now," he said breaking the silence. "If you want to get enough time to get ready for the reception."

"How much time do you think I need? It's four hours till it starts."

"I don't know, I though girls usually used a lot of time, at least my sisters did," he nervously chuckled.

"You're probably right anyway. I'm cold," I said, rubbing my hands together to try to get them warm.

"Why didn't you say that?" He said and put his arm around my shoulders, pulling me closer in an attempt to make me warmer. His black leather jacket felt cold against my thin jacket that was more suitable for the weather in Fresno than Seattle. I couldn't help, but smile at his cute attempt to make me warm.

"You're cute," I blurted out.

His nose frowned. "Don't call me cute, I feel like I am five years old."

"What do you prefer?"

"A handsome sex god works well," he smirked.

I choked on my own laugh as I continued on what sounded like a mixture between laughing and coughing. "I am not calling you that."

"Ey, worth a shot?" He smiled.

We walked back to the hotel, on the way Zayn told me every possible thing about his family. I couldn't help but notice how happy he looked. His eyes sparkled with passion and his smile was wider than ever. I noticed that he really loved Nicola as his own sister. They were that close that she actually knew what he was doing. She didn't support it, in fact she was against it, but it didn't seem to change Zayn's mind. Everyone else in Zayn's family thought that he is happily studying in Fresno with me by his side.

I told him a little bit about my family. I felt that he already knew everything about Sky, so I told him about my mother. The most important person in my life was my mother. I had always had a lot of great friends during school, but I considered her my best friend. I told her everything and she listened. She was also there for me after the breakup with Jamie. I was heartbroken for months, but I had my mother by my side. It was usually us three, my mother, Sky and I. I also had a dad, but that was a whole other story I couldn't be bothered to tell right now.

We entered the hotel room, feeling relieved that it was warm compared to the cold air outside. Zayn kicked off his shoes and threw his jacket on the coat hanger before crashing on the couch.

"Tired?" I asked as I saw his eyelids were slowly closing.

"Not really," he mumbled. " I'm just relaxing."

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