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The next few weeks I still haven't figured out why she came by and I didn't tell anyone either that she came by. So I took this time to really figure her out, as I found out later, Jada went to high Richie schools elementary thru high school so i was her first immersion into the real "NIGGA" world. Of course, I didn't make it a priority to get to know her or to make her feel welcome. That inevitable result came about just by my natural disposition to talk shit to everybody and playfully provoke them. The bottom line was that her bank account didn't preclude her from my swath.

I was a prankster at the group meetings but I was also productive and efficient so all of them tolerated my shenanigans. Jada was no different. I made it my goal to get her to open up and quit being so stand offish to stop being such a bitch so I messed with her nonstop.

Little by little as the weeks came I got her to warm up to everyone else, a few of us had been going out clubbing and she wasn't sure if she was invited but I made sure everyone came. In only a matter of weeks we were knee deep in our groups social and work related activities. Jada was conscience of and grateful that I had pushed her into opening herself up and one day I went walking to my car and found she gave me a pair of Nike sweats with a note that read "Without you, I don't think I could have made it work out with the group. Thank You."

School was school work was work, When I finished with the wall at the restaurant he hired me to do more work there on the inside of it the dining area, I was making money that was fine with me..

We had a few run ins here and well she made herself known when she came here. I had a few woman come here, to pretend to eat but really they was talking to me. These wasn't ugly woman either a few I could see myself dating. She would religiously giving me the dos and don'ts of how to handle a female with money like the ones who kept coming by. She also relished fucking me up with my woman by walking up to where I was working and adding "baby" to my name or inquiring "we still on for later?" in their presence. Then she would just wink at me and walk away giggling leaving me with a suspicious and agitated woman who I just made plans with. Having dished out so much of the same shit myself, however, all I could do was laugh and take it like a man.

One night when I was done with working on a painting I went walking to my car when.

"Rooster" Jada said I turned and looked at her.

"Yea what's up?" I asked

"Are you in a hurry to get home?" she asked

"Nawl RI is with Jackie tonight she's going to keep her for the night why what's up?" I asked

"Want to come over and burn one with me?" she asked at first I thought she was joking but she wasn't.

"Umm yea I guess" I said and I followed her to her house, nice house, but she led me to her part of the house. Once inside we fired up while we talked and drank some beers. I was sitting on her leather sofa while she reclined on the floor against it. I was enjoying my high and not even remotely thinking about pussy. Well, maybe a little but I wasn't going to push the fact that we was really alone with each other.

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