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I was cleaning up the house while the food was in the oven, I was only supposed to be here just to watch Rayna cause she had a little cold and Rooster couldn't miss this class then he had to go to see the board that was honoring him so he couldn't keep her.

But me being me I started cleaning here and there but before I knew it I was cleaning everywhere and I had also cooked dinner for them. I can't help it that's my baby. Rayna was on a blanket playing with her toys. Every so often I had to get her and put her back on the blanket when she wanted to try to crawl away to make her escape.


"Door don't you move little one" I said she looked up at me and smiled. I went walking to the door. "Who is it?"

Outside) "Jason Williams" Jason said I stood there for a minute then finally cutting the alarm off and opened the door. "Hello"

"Hi can I help you?" I asked

"Yes I'm looking for Raymond is he in?" Jason said

"No he's not in right now sorry" I said I hard patting on the floor behind me. I turned around pushing the door open more by mistake.. "Excuse me" I went walking off to Rayna and picked her up I came back to the door. "Sorry about that this is"

"Rayna" Jason said I moved back some.

"How do you know that?" I asked "Did Charles send you?"

"I don't know a Charles. I'm like I said Jason Williams I'm Jada's father Rayna is my granddaughter my first and only granddaughter." Jason said

"Your Jada's father" I said

"Yes and I... I understand if you say no but can I hold her, I seen pictures of her but this is my first time seeing her in person" Jason said as he reached for her before I could say anything she went right to him. I watched him look at her and she smiled so did he. I saw him tear up as he touched her hair, hand and fingers.

"Ummm" I said I didn't know what I was going to do or say I watched him. That's all I could do was watch him.

"It's just that...I don't know what to do with her sometimes. I...hell," he whispered.

"Jada?" I asked

"Yes" he said looking at Rayna "She looks her grandmother so much" he said I ushered him in and we sat in the living room he was still holding Rayna who rest against him.

"How did you know about Rayna?" I asked

"I saw pictures of her my son showed me pictures of her and kept me updated... He and Raymond became close friends. I know he sees her ofton and he shows me pictures and tells me things... I had to come speak with him and see her myself.." he said

"How's Jada I mean she haven't" I said but was cut off when I heard the garage door open and close. I was hoping it was Fran and not Rooster. I stood up and excused myself and went to the garage door as it opened it was Fran.

"Hey mama you can leave now I am here now" Fran said

"No it's ok I'm waiting on Rooster go on up to your from and relax go don't talk back" I said she nods and goes up stairs as I go and stand in the way of the couch so she hopefully couldn't see.. I waited a few minutes then went back to the livingroom and sat down I looked at Rayna she was sleeping. "Sorry about that"

"You were asking about Jada well no she haven't told me or showed me anything about Rayna. I haven't seen or heard from her in 2 maybe 3 months. Her mother my wife and I have had many ups and downs over the years but things seemed to be going ok. She has left several times, she lies and tells her parents their is domestic violence, which has caused tension between me and her parents. She has cheated several times, she told me she was going to the store a few years ago and did not come home, I called the police thinking something bad had happened to her, come to find out she met up with a guy she was working with he got her on drugs and she calls me. She does" he said as tears started to fall " I wanted to help her give her all she wanted if she just came home and got clean.... She told me she did not give a fuck about the kids or me, she said she would worry about it when she had to. She also said she has not taken her depression meds anymore and that she did not need them, however she said I am the one that needs them. She said she hates me and that she cannot stand me. Prior to her leaving everything was fine.. We had been camping and many pictures of us together laughing with each other and at the kids."

"I'm so sorry" I said this was breaking my heart that he felt like he had to drop anchor here with me.

"I heard what Jada did and it is what her mother did. Leaving her family like that, I prayed she'd never do a thing like this but I was so very wrong. I wanna be here for my granddaughter I do" he said wiping his eyes..

"You did a good thing you stayed and raised them the best you could.. We can't live their life's for them.. We can only point them and guide them in the right direction" I said I looked at the door and saw Rooster standing there, oh no. He walked closer carrying Rima who he put down and she went running up stairs.

"Jason?" Rooster said Jason looked and stood up and handed me Rayna.

"I'm sorry to come here like this but I needed to see her" he said

"I understand" Rooster said folding his arms.

"I don't know what Jada told you about me and her mother.. But I didn't raise Jada like this to do this and just run off from her family... She knows better and like you I was I have been a motherly father and never had any affair with woman since wife left. I adjusted my working life to suit my kids to suit her. Such as to have more time with her, including to park or swim even during office hour. I go through her studies in the evening, play dolls and the usual games for girls, bedtime story; I bath her, and cut her nail and hair. I can say that I knew A to Z in handling a child not inferior to a good mother. I let her attend ballet, music and singing classes, which I drive her personally most of the time." He said as he started to cry "A mom that can walked away upon seeing her own child showed the lack of love and also lack of "missing" the child. I don't know what is going on with her but I beg you please let me be apart of Rayna's life I'll do all I can to be a great grand dad to her please please" he cried I was crying too just to see the heartbreak he was going through. I looked at Rooster who had a unreadable face, I didn't know what he was going to say or do....

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