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A few days went by and I had been calling him, texting him and he haven't been answering. I just wanted to explain to him what was going on and why I went to Devin and not him. I went to our old house but found out that he sold it so I didn't know where he was. I needed to clear my head so I went to do some shopping then I was going call Devin so he could at least get Rooster to call me. I was walking from a clothing store towards another store it was me and Jen when I heard someone call my name. I stopped and looked and saw it was Monica with 2 other girls Donna and the other Tia who looked like she was at least 5 or 6 months pregnant.

"Monica hi" I said I looked at the other 2 and just nodded but they both rolled their eyes at me.

"Hey I thought that was you so how have you been since will you crashed the event?" Monica asked

"I'm good how are you?" I asked

"I'm great just out shopping helping with some baby shopping.. You know Donna and Tia right?" she asked

"I know of them" I said

"Yea we don't dwell in the slums of mutant areas" Jen said

"Dwell in mutant areas huh? Did you date ad live with a said mutant... and have a baby by one, well a maybe baby with Rooster who is said mutant" Tia said

"Watch it" I said

"Or what? Hmmm have you heard from Rooster? He's been off the grid for the past few days I wonder why..." Tia said

"I don't know" I said wondering where she was going with this.

"Well I mean I need to speak with him and all" Tia said I needed to get off the Rooster subject.

"How far along are you?" I asked trying to lighten the air.

"I just turned 5 months yesterday I'm looking a little bigger is because I'm having twins 2 girls" Tia said as she pulled out her ultra sound and showed me.

"I just turned 5 months yesterday I'm looking a little bigger is because I'm having twins 2 girls" Tia said as she pulled out her ultra sound and showed me

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"Okay congrads to you and the father" I said

"Yes the father, he was not happy with me at all when he found out I was pregnant not at all, we had a drunken night of passion and now we got 2 babies from it" Tia said

"I think you should tell her your babies names I love their names and the amazing way you spell them" she said

"Yes please tell us" Jen said rolling her eyes.

"Raychel and Raychelle, Raychel is spelled R A Y C H E L and Raychelle is spelled R A Y C H E L L E E... Raychel Marie Brown, Raychelle Maria Brown" Tia said and I guess my face said it all it was like a gut punch. "Yes bitch I'm pregnant by Rooster and unlike you he knows these are his babies.. He was sooo sad and hurt about you leaving that I went by his studio only to see him crying, CRYING because you left so I took him for drinks well a lot of drinks and back to my house when he was too drunk to drive and boy did we have sex, drunk sex with that man is the best."

"I need to go be for I go to jail, for kicking a pregnant woman's pregnant ass" I said turning around grabbing Jen's arm and getting out of there, he didn't tell me how the fuck didn't he tell me.


I been calling and texting Rooster still nothing, his brother said he haven't heard from him and that he, Rima and Rayna haven't been home in those 3 or 4 days, Jackie wouldn't really talk to me because of what happen but I needed to speak to him so I went to his other brother Ryan's job at this clothing store he owns and works at.

I was standing there waiting while one of the sale girls went to go get him for me. I knew he was going to know him and Rooster are really really close. Once Ryan came out and saw me standing there it looked like he was going to go back into his office and not talk to me but he came to me smiling anyway.

"Jada how can I help you?" Ryan asked

"Rooster I haven't heard from him in a few days I know your mad at me but I need to speak to him.. he's not answering my calls or my texts is very childish of him don't you think." I said

"Childish of him?? Your going to feel very little when I tell you this. His grandfather had heart attack 2 days ago he's been by his side since then.. so if he's  not responding to you it's because he's with his foster family, now if you and his molester father could stop coming here bothering me at work" Ryan said

"His father was here looking for him?" I asked

"Yes he comes here every 3 days wanting to get word to Rooster since he doesn't know where he lives.. Look I go work to do if you wanna get in touch with him find another way cause I'm not calling him for you either good day" Ryan said turning and walking away. I left the store trying to figure out what to do next...

 I left the store trying to figure out what to do next

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I don't know what else to do but sit here next to my grandfather and just hold his hand and pray that he'll be alright. I really need him right now, my life is in the shits right now and I don't have my best friend to talk to, to talk me through it... I started to cry a small sob at first till it became a full on loud wailing. I was then pulled to someone's stomach and they cradled my head while they rubbed my back and I just cried into their stomach.

I don't know what I will do if he dies. He can't die, he just can't die on me I need him alive and be that rock for me. If he dies our WHOLE family dies we will not know how to deal with ourselves. I just don't know about life anymore if he goes. I cried and cried whoever they were they just held me, rubbed my back and I let it all out. I slowly got myself together and let them go and stood up to wipe my eyes and to thank whoever was there. I was face to face with Tianza. I was too emotionally drained to argue with her.

"Don't okay I'm not here to fight or to cause any pain I'm just here for you" Tianza said "He's going to be alright you gotta stay strong he would want you strong, right" I nodded she pulled me to her and hugged me tight, I buried my face in her neck and cried some more....

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