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I was a nervous wreck it took me the longest to finish dinner. I was pacing the kitchen when I heard my grand baby voice calling for me.

"Mema" Rima said I left the kitchen and saw my Rima once she saw me she came running. I picked her up and hugged her and kissed her.

"I missed you my little angel" I said she hugged me back and I let her get down so she could go play, I looked at the door and saw Raymond standing there. I walked to him he wouldn't even look at me he was holding Jada's hand.

"Hey Jackie, he's such a baby" Jada said she hugged me and walked away he finally looked at me.

"Is it okay if I gave you a hug" I asked he shrugged and I went to him and hugged him tight as I could. "Did you wanna talk now or after dinner?"

"We can talk whenever your ready" he said

"Well we can talk now come on we can go into the den" I said as I walked to the den he followed me we sat down I looked at him he was looking away then he finally looked at me.

"You can start I mean I wanna know what happen, why, what's the problem I mean you didn't want me but you kept them help me understand all this" he said

"The day you were born I made you a promise. I vowed to be your protector, your role model, your teacher, and your haven. As a young mom I wasn't sure how to be all those things or even if I'd even be very good at them, but I swore when I first held you that I'd try my best. But I was scared. So very scared. I had reasons to be afraid but I knew I was going to make it happen, I cried for weeks. I wanted my baby and they took you and I tried everything to get you back I did I swear I did... I can show you paper work where I was searching for you. I even met your foster mother" I said the look in his eyes made me wish I didn't say that.

"Tina you met Tina when? She knew too that you was my mother and didn't tell me shit?" he asked

"Wait a minute calm down, I was searching for you while she was searching for me and that's how we met. We talked a few times and she was going to set up a meeting and I was happy I was so ready to see you and tell you and bring you home. But a week before we was going to me at the movies Shannon and Charles came, got you then put out a protective order against them and my world was crush. Years I waited and wait and Tina called me told me you was coming back around and was looking for somewhere to stay an apartment so I told her about the building I lived in and that's where she talked you into moving into. I was happy you was going to be in the building but I thanked God that you was on the same floor as me. I was there helping you, cooking for you, washing and folding yours clothes even when you told me you didn't want me too I was trying to make up the years I wasn't there." I said

"Why didn't you tell me? You could have told me that day we met I mean yes I wouldn't have been out my fucking mind. By now I wouldn't have been mad I would have been able to have fun and just relax but now, now look at this shit here... You're my mother and I have 2 brothers and look at me the fuck is going on. I need to some air; I'm going to go for a walk yall can go ahead and eat I'm not hungry. I probably wont be back for dinner." He said getting up so did I. I watched him walk out the den and right out the front door.

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