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The next day I wasn't for any shit today I had to work early this morning cause I was taking the next 2 weeks off. I was planning on going out of town and just be with me and my daughter while off from school. I didn't go to none of my classes I worked at the shop all day, I promised that I would meet up at the library later tonight to help with the group project that was due when we came back off of our break.

I knew Jada came by here cause when I went to lunch and to check on Rima. I came back and was told a woman was here looking for me. I knew who they were talking about so I didn't care to as to see if you left a massage for me. I worked long and hard. I went home real quick showered, changed and went right to the library, I wanted to get this done and over with.

The whole time in the library passed without either one of us uttering a word to each other although I did notice her staring at me several times asking about what was she doing wrong in her work trying to bait me into calling her over. I ignored her and went about my business. Jada left before I did so I assumed she was long gone when I walked out and was walking towards my car.

I was on my way out and escorting Melanie a fellow mutant to her car and as we cleared the hedges I noticed Jada's car parked next to mine. I sent Melanie on her way and as soon as her car hit the street Jada emerged from hers practically blocking me from mine.

"Excuse me" I said in a smug "Can I help you?"

"Rooster" Jada said softly "I know you are pissed and I don't blame you but you have to understand that...."

"I don't have to understand shit Jada" I interrupted "you did what you had to do and that's that. I understand that and I am not upset about it."

"You're not mad?" she asked in an amazed voice.

"I didn't say that" I replied "Yes, it bothers me but the money thing is what it is and it wasn't very realistic of me to expect you to challenge it. But I just thought since I was the one who broke the barriers down for you here you would at least have my back there. But I guess it doesn't work that way and we are a one way street."

I focused on the money thing even though it wasn't why I was bent. I wanted her to think that's what it was when really it was her punking me by way of written notice that had me fucked up.

"No, Rooster, it's not like that with us at all" she replied "You are right in that I reacted poorly but you don't understand my friends and their views or the shit storm they would have created if they saw you. I put you in that room to protect you and me, but more importantly, to protect us."

"That must be why you left me in there and never came back" I said as I shot back while immediately regretting having revealed part of my true feelings. "To protect us" I added mockingly.

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