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"Raymond...I know you don't want to talk to me right now, and I understand that, but I just want you to know I never said I was actually getting an abortion. I just said if I did I—I um, I hadn't planned on telling you." She said I continued to ignore her presence. I don't wanna talk about it and if I don't answer maybe she'll stop and go away. I just didn't want to deal with this shit right now. "I'm so sorry, if–"

"I don't want your fucking apology right now, okay?" I said, I left the room and closed the door and went in search for my mom where is she hiding.

"Do you want me to leave?" she asked.

"Do whatever the fuck you want," I quickly replied as I walked in to the living room sitting down my foster mom was hiding out in her room always the peace maker but it wasn't going to work this time, I was mad but it wasn't going to go away and just being around her was making it worse. Why couldn't she just leave me the fuck alone? Let me spend time with my foster mom and then we could have a normal conversation when I was fucking ready too.

"Raymond, talk to me!" she cried I got up and started to walk out the living room she blocked me. She put her hands on my chest and looked up at me."No, don't leave. I need to talk to you about this!"

"Fuck, you want to do this now, huh? In my mama's house yall set me up so you can talk? Right fucking now? Fine, let's talk about it. It's not the fact that you were thinking about abortion that hurts me, although trust me, that does. It's the fact that you were never going to fucking tell me I had a kid. That's it! I can't believe you would do that to me!" I hollered. She stood there crying and blocking the door. She wouldn't budge she then wrapped her arms around me holding me tight face pressed up against my chest.

"Let me go Jada" I said

"No!" she said

"Do you understand that I don't have anything to say to your right now? Do you fucking get that?! You broke my fucking heart, can you not understand that?! And I can't deal with this bullshit right now so PLEASE...just leave me the hell alone!!" I screamed, as I moved her arms from around me and I moved around her. By this point, Jada was crying so hard, which caused my mom to finally come out of hiding.

"Jada" mama said going to her hugging her, she looked at me. "What did you say?"

"What did I say are you kidding me? You set me up and it's my fault really? Get the fuck out of here, this is bullshit and I'm gone" I said and I walked to my mom's room where I saw Rima laying I picked her up then went getting her bag, and we left. I got in starting it up and dialed a number.

"Dude what's up?" Logan asked

"I'll tell you when I get there, leaving mamas house and she set me up had Jada here and she going to blame me asking me what did I do.... See you in 15 minutes" I said

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