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It's been a month now and well it was a slow moving in process she didn't take everything she brought the most important stuff and half of her clothes. And with her stuff her and my stuff this apartment was getting a little cramped but I was looking at houses and was hopefully moving soon within the next few days or weeks.

We filled our days with work for me and sex and school and of course Rima who loved having Jada here all the time...and yea more sex. Plus baby shopping which I didn't mind at all Jada thought I wasn't going to tag along but I had to remind her that I did this for Rima.

And between our rare breathers, we hung out at the park where I showed her how to catch a football or we played with Rima or lounged around the apartment all day watching movies. I had always been a loner in away cause my friends had their own life's and I had a child so I stayed alone in away, but it bothered me that Jada was slowly becoming one too.

So I made Tami come over taking her out to be around her friends more so she could stay a Richie and not become a mutant by default. Her father wasn't happy about her moving out and he been asking to meet me which was funny cause I guess she never told him my name cause I worked for him a few times. So I knew that it was going to come to this Jada didn't want to have her dad turn his back on her. So I agreed to go to dinner at her father's house, I didn't wanna do it to be honest.

I didn't want to have to sit there with him cause I watched him when I was working he's a bit of a snob so is his son. Richies make me sick they do, I love Jada but a few times when I sit and watch her, she kinda makes me sick but she's a Richie BUT my Richie and I love her. Even tho she's turning Rima into a toddler little Richie.

I had just got done laying Rima down for her nap and went to see what Jada was doing she was in the laundry room for a while now. I walked to the door and was watching her she was sitting on the dryer lost in her own little world; hand on her belly she's now 15 weeks pregnant which is 3 months. And she couldn't look more beautiful than ever right now.

"Hey, baby."

Jada's eyes snapped open at the sound of my voice. I was leaning against the door in a pair of dress pants and a clean crisp shirt, staring at her.

"Hey, I threw some of your things in with mine. Hope that's okay." She said as she slid off the dryer and turned to hide her shame when she felt me behind her.

"Definitely okay." I said as I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her neck. "I like playing house with you."

"And I'm ready to play house right now," I whispered in her ear as I slid my hand beneath the large Amazing Artist camp shirt of mine she sported and into her panties. "Fuck, you're already wet."

She felt hot and uncomfortable as she twisted in my arms and turned to face me. "I thought you said we had rules so Rima wouldn't walk up on us." She said

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