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I was happy to be in his arms but at the sametime I was holding back tears. I know he said he missed me but the way he spoke to me came flooding back to my mind and I needed to get out here. I could feel the tears welling up in me, I need to go.

"Let me go" I said he still held me. "Let Go... No" I struggle free from him we both standing up now.. He moves to step closer to me "Don't touch me"

"Jada please don't" he said I don't know what's going on here, my mind is screaming 2 different things.

"I don't think I can be everything you want me to be as a woman or a mother" I said

"You are everything I want you to be" he said

"I don't understand I left and ran out on yall 4 or 5 months ago.." I said

"Yea your right you did run out on us...I should just forget about you and move on to someone new, you got a life and I'm no good for you" he said he walked to me. "I came alive since I met you" he touched my face.

"Me too" I whispered I felt my will to hold back my tears ready to break "I need to go"

"No, don't go" he said I looked at him and knew I needed to get home now. I backed away from him and left the café. I got to my car holding back for dear life. On the drive home I cried the whole ride there, once home I went right to my room ignoring Ivy calling my name. I buried my face in my pillow and cried.

I don't know how long I was in the room crying but I know it was a while. Then I heard someone yelling saying 'Get out, your not welcomed here, the fuck are you doing, this is a no mutant zone, she's not here' then my door opened up and I turned to see Rooster standing there looking at me. He closed and locked the door behind him and he came right to me.

"Jada" he said

"Rooster please I can't" I said he shook his head.

"Stop okay.. You shouldn't have left like that." He said sitting on the bed.

"Rooster I.." I said tears still falling he wiped them as they fell.

"We can talk but right now you need to be held and I will for as long as I need too.. Is that alright?" he asked

"If you want too?" I asked

"Yes I do, is that okay?" he asked

"Yes you can " I said he then climbs in the bed with me.

"Come on lie back down" he said lying me down and he pulled me to him wrapping his arm around me. "If you're going to cry, cry in front of me so I can hold you baby"

"Okay" I said we laid there for I don't know how long but I was drifting in and out of sleep. I didn't know if he was awake so I shifted and looked at him, he was wide awake looking at me. "I'm sorry"

"For what?" he asked

"What I said at your event and for slapping you too" I said

"It's okay you didn't hurt me or nothing, I'm sorry too I asked for it tho" he said

"No you didn't I was beyond wrong" I said I wrapped my arms around him I miss him so much.

"No you didn't I was beyond wrong" I said I wrapped my arms around him I miss him so much

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We was laying there when she turned around I wasn't sleeping at all. I was just laying there looking at her but right now she was here looking at me. I was going to wait to see what she was going to say.

"Raymond, I'm so sorry," she said quietly, speaking for the first time, as she wrapped her arms around me. "I love you."

"I know," I said, enfolding her in my arms tighter. I so wanted to kiss her lips and tell her that I loved her, too, but my lips just couldn't form the words. There had been so much ugliness that passed between us, so much hurt and pain. I felt I could, someday, love her again and tell her that, but it would take time. Maybe a long time but it would come.

"I don't know where to begin telling you how sorry I am," she said, she moved some to look into my eyes. "You were right, about everything. You were right. I've missed you so much. I never should have left..."

"I know," I said

"If you wasn't such a great dad to Rima and you did everything I asked for maybe things would have been different" she said

"You're saying what I'm guilty of, is trusting you too much?" I bluntly asked

"Yes." She said

"I see" I said Earlier when I text her and waited for her, I was thinking to myself what I wanted to say to her. I would give her at least a taste of the emotional pain she had caused me. But now that the opportunity was here, the moment that I saw her walk into the café the moment I took her in my arms once again, all my anger dried up and disappeared like the morning dew in the sun. Now all I wanted to do was to hold her and never again let her go.

"I know this doesn't make up for anything," she whispered. "But let me give you this." She sat up and started to pull up her shirt but I stopped her. She seemed to understand my difficulty, and tilted her head up for a kiss. But I wasn't ready to kiss her just yet, shook my head NO and she nods.

"Wanna go get some dinner?" I asked

"Yes I am very hungry" she said and I knew she wasn't talking about food.

"Come on let's go eat" I said we got out of the bed I put my stuff back on and she put her shoes on. We went walking out the room and before we could get to the door we was stopped by Ivy.

"You do you think you are coming in here like that and walking around like you own the place.. Jada what are you doing I thought you got this mutant out of your system. Jen is not going to be happy when she finds out you let him in here" Ivy said

"Ivy, I don't know you personally but I know how your little cadre of friends are. It's made of girls like Jen. Pretty girls with parents who have money. They suffer from some mental disorder that makes them delusional enough to think they are somehow superior to everyone else. They think they have to put down everyone who can't meet some bullshit criteria that their tiny little minds have created. They are lucky to have each other for friends because they are hated by almost everyone else. Those who don't hate them, like me, just feel sorry for them. They are so self-centered that they will never have the capacity to love anyone but themselves. They really are pretty fucking pathetic. And even if you believe you're different, you are guilty by association. Your friendship and choice to hang with them shows that you condone their actions. So excuse me if I don't want Jada to get sucked back into that fucked up state of mind." I said we walked off leaving her staring at our backs as we left the apartment.

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