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I slept all day really and when I finally woke up I just laid there in my bed eyes wide open, just thinking. I replayed our conversation that day over and over. It's crazy after what she said to me I'm still thinking about her. I needed her badly. I wanted her more than I wanted anything ever. To her hear voice, smell her scent, anything, I just needed something.

I got up and left the room, I was going to go downstairs but I went to the hallway bathroom first. After using it I was washing my hands and stopped to let my mind wonder about things. I was startled by the knock on the door. I open the door and see my Jada.

"Jada !!!" I said forgetting all that happened and I grabbed, hugged her, squeezing her soft body like it was one of those stuffed animals at a carnival. She hugged me back, but I let her go once I realized I was damn near killing her. "You're here? What happened? What are you doing here?" I saw her face and it pissed me off that her face was like this.

"Sia happened she saw you leaving this morning and she attacked me in the kitchen" she said we stood there and she told me everything that happened. "I met your mom she's sweet"

"My mom?" I asked

"Jackie she's your mom right?" she asked

"No she's just like a step in mom for me we not related" I said

"Oh" She said we stood there we needed to talk again about what happen.

"Wanna go outside and talk?" I asked she nodded and we went downstairs. She followed me out back and I hope this talk goes well.

 She followed me out back and I hope this talk goes well

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I have to be honest with him and hope it goes well but I feel like I should just lie my way out of all this and it would be so much better.

"Why, Jada?" he asked, finally expressing his thoughts, "Why are you doing this to me, to us?"

"I'm scared, Rooster," I said in a voice that was so quiet, I could hardly believe it was my own.

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