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1st August,

It felt like the month of July flew away in a span of few minutes and it was August already. Only fifteen days to get them married.

Sara got up smiling wide today. And why not after all only 15 days. She got ready and went down in the living room.

"Good morning maa,baba and Arjun."

"Good morning baby and go near the tv , a surprise awaits you."

"Surprise. For me? What is it maa?"

"Go and get it yourself Sara."

Sara made a confused face but nevertheless went near the TV and she saw a huge bouquet of Red roses present over there. It was huge would be an understatement. She curiously glanced it and found a note stuck in it.

Good Morning Baby, I know you are wondering why these flowers but just wanted to remind you that you are as beautiful and as fresh as these flowers. Only 15 days my love and then you are all mine.

With love,
Yours bubs.

Sara folded the note back with a huge smile on her face and then sniffed the roses. She felt just so special right now. She admired the roses until Anjali called her for breakfast only to get teased by her brother and father about how romantic Shubman is.

2nd August,

Today Sara was to meet her friends whom she hadn't met from a long time. She adorned herself with a summer frock and hoop earrings. She glanced at herself and then went to meet them.

When she arrived on the location her friends stood there waiting for her. She hugged every one of them and they all sat. Just when they sat, Vedika took a box from her bag.

"What's this Ved?"

Sara asked curiously as the box had a very elegant packaging.

"Why don't you see it yourself Sara."

Her friends said and a yet again confused Sara took the box from her. When she opened it she again found a note.

Hi Baby,

Just 14 days and then you are all mine. Waiting to get you for forever and so this watch just to remind you to have the time of your life because after this I won't let you go away. Haha just kidding. Just wanted to gift you this.

I love you.

Sara closed the box with a blush and wore the watch on her hands. She got all red after getting teased so much by her friends who constantly nudged her about his romantic nature.

10th August,

In this time period Sara received a gift daily stating about how she will be his soon. To be honest this was not necessary but Sara loved all the attention she was getting from her boyfriend soon to be husband.

Even today she was waiting for her gift but it was almost evening now and yet she didn't get one. She became confused. Even though they talked on the phone everyday yet they didn't speak about the gifts thing.

Shubman was in his home town preparing for the wedding and Sara was here in Mumbai. Just when she was busy thinking she received his call.


"Hi Sara. How are you?"

"Achanak itne formal kyu ho rahe ho tum you know how I am."

"Ohh I see. Naraaz ho?"

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