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After the Sangeet night was over it was already 1 a.m. Everyone was tired so they immediately went to sleep. Shubman even after being tired was not sleepy so he decided to scroll Instagram. Well let's say he shouldn't have because the squad for T20 world cup had been announced and his name was not in the 15 members squad.

The things which he was feeling right now were not something which he wanted to feel while he was enjoying his wedding.

(Guys for the sake of the story plot let's just say the T20 world cup is in September. Author wants to convey her feelings regarding this selection so this plot has been added.)

All his hardwork in the 2023 ipl season and the T20s he played flashed infront of his eyes. Sometimes players have bad seasons and so was this ipl season but how could they forget his previous seasons.

It's not like he was not happy for his other teammates selection. He was infact maybe more than the players themselves but his name was not there hurted him very badly. Tears started forming in his eyes. His dream to represent his country still remained a dream.

He got up and went out of his room locking the door. He came down to have some fresh air, but his feet automatically made his way towards Sara's room. He knocked on the door lightly and waited. She must be sleeping he thought.

But what about his heart. How to make it understand. He again knocked the door this time a little loudly. Sara opened the door. She was surprised finding him here but as soon as she saw some tears in his eyes she panicked.

Firstly she pulled him in the room since she didn't want anyone to call him names of they saw him here this late at night. Her sleep was already gone when she saw him.

"Shub what happened? Why do you have tears in your eyes? Are you hurt somewhere? Hmm?"

She asked continuosly checking his body for any sign of injury. But Shubman remained intact. His body stiff.

"Bolo na baba. Are you hurt? Why are you crying?"

She asked while keeping her hand on his cheek. Shubman made her sit on the bed and he sat down infront of her. He hugged her waist and his face got burried in her stomach. Sara didn't say anything, just let her hand roam around in his hairs.

And then she heard his cries. Hysteric they were. He cried holding her hand laying in her lap. She let him cry without asking him anything. He cried and cried and cried. Sara slowly sat down from the bed and he completely laid himself on her lap.

Once his cries came down a little bit he looked up. His eyes were lost which made her scared. She had never seen him lost. His eyes were always full with shine and love but today it seemed different.

He looked at her and took her hand in his. He kissed the back of her hand and she smiled while he reciprocated it. Sara sighed. Atleast he smiled a little.

"Are you done crying? Or you want to cry more?"

She asked in the softest possible voice and he nodded his head in no. She bent down and kisses his forehead.

"Now I am all ears. Tell me what happened?"

"The T20 world cup squad is out and I am not in the 15. I am just a reserve."

"And what are your feelings about it?"

"I feel lost. All my hardwork which I did in T20, it feels like it was nothing. My dream to represent my country is shattered. I feel worse. Afte the dengue nothing is going right. Nor was I able to captain GT well and nor did I perform well after the dengue. I am very sorry for papa. His dreams, I am somewhere not able to complete them. Am I this has Sara? Is my cricket not good?"

"First of all be calm Shub and listen to me carefully. There have been 17 seasons of ipl as of yet and it's not like every captain has qualified for the playoffs. Even Mahi Bhai and Rohit Bhai were not able to qualify for some seasons and this does not make them a bad captain. So what if GT couldn't make it this season. You guys will for next season. This does not make you a bad captain. And rahi baat papa ki you can't lie to yourself. You know how much papa is proud of you. More than ever. And lastly the squad. If not this time next time it will happen. And then choosing you as a backup also is a very big achievement in a country of billion. And instead of sitting and overthinking about it we have to improve your game. This time was not ours, next time it will be. And tell me how are you feeling about others selection?"

"I am happy for them. Very happy. It's a very good team and they can bring the cup to India."

"And that's why my Shub is different. You are happy for them and our country. I know you not getting selected is somewhere disappointing and all but you will one day. You have your whole life ahead. Right now you are just 24. I will help you improve your game I swear and I am never gonna leave your side for this."

"But what about Sachin sir. He will be disappointed in me."

"No he won't. If you don't know Baba knows your game. He knows you are not just a game or two game player but you are a generational player. Every player has a bad time and right now it's yours but Baba is very proud of whatever you have achieved till now and touchwood you will be achieving many great things in the future too."

Shubman smiled and kept looking at her. Sara continued caressing his hair and kept pecking his head. Shubman got up and sat infront of her. His hand travelled to her neck and he pulled her closer. His lips rested on hers and he kissed her. Very slowly. Sara clutched his shirt in her fist and let him do whatever he wants.

Shubman broke the kiss and his head rested on hers. Both breathing heavily.

"Thank you for everything Sara. Thank you for existing. Thank you for coming in my life and being there for me. I will be forever grateful to God for you. For he has given me a therapist, friend, wife, everything in one. You are a precious gift which I have received and I never intend on loosing it I promise."

"I love you."

"I love you too Sara."

Sara shook her head and she smiled.

"This should not go out okay. It's our wedding and let's just enjoy it as we have been doing till now. Okay. This remains between you and me."

"I know Shub. And I am very proud of you."

"I know. I will take a leave now. Mai bhi na. We have to get up early tomorrow and I didn't even let you sleep. I am sorry. It's already 3 now."

"Never ever say sorry for the time we spend together. You needed me and you came by yourself not pushing me out was the best thing you did. I will always be here for you, with you even if that means sacrificing on my sleep. Sleep means nothing to me infront of you."

"Oh godd how did I get so lucky?"

"Ask your god later. For now sleep. Your eyes are already swollen because of crying. Hey make yourself presentable ha then only I will allow you to come to haldi tomorrow or else it will ruin our pictures and I don't want that."

She said playfully and he laughed. Giving her last peck and a proper goodbye hug he left towards his room. No one saw them and this will remain a tiny secret only between them.
Disclaimer: This story is just a fanfiction and nothing related to personal life of our leads.

Honestly I am so hurt right now but let's be positive. God does what is best for everyone. And after all it's India's team. Let's cheer for them as much as we can.


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Do share your reviews on the chapter and also the squad.

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