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"Alright, we gotta split up

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"Alright, we gotta split up." Stiles tells me as we arrive at the party doors and I furrow my eyebrows.

"Isn't it safer if we stick together? I mean, you couldn't even survive middle school without me." I smirk and he lightly hits me.

"It's easier for us to keep an eye out if we split up, idiot." He looks down at me and I roll my eyes.

"Fine." I begin to walk off but he stops me.

"Enjoy the party. And call me if you see Scott." He reminds me and I give him a look.

"I won't and I will!"

I walk away from him, deeper into the party and immediately notice the herds of people and sigh, not surprised that there's so many of people here. I turn back at my brother, watching him walk off to a group of people and then realise I am alone. I continue walking until I'm outside, only to be surrounded by what feels like even more people.

I look up at the sky and sigh. It's a full moon. If Stiles' stupid theory is right, if Scott is in fact a werewolf - tonight is totally not gonna end well. I come to the conclusion standing around waiting and looking for Scott, isn't going to be fun sober, so I grab myself a drink outside, taking a large sip of the contents. It actually tastes really nice, and so I can't help but have another. I walk past the crowds of dancing, happy people trying to find my best friend or at least Allison, who I know he came with.

But after looking for approximately 20 minutes, there's not a single trace of him or Allison anywhere. I sigh and take my phone out of my pocket and immediately text Scott:

From: Madison

To: Scott

where the hell are you?

I keep my eyes glued to the screen for a minute and sigh to myself, when I realise he's not replying - at least anytime soon. Suddenly, I look up and see a familiar face. My breath hitches as I look them up and down and instantly realise who it is. Derek Hale.

I feel frozen as he approaches me coldly. "You're Madison. Scott's friend."

I furrow my brows. "How the hell do you know my name? Or Scott's?"

He ignores me. "Do you know where I can find him?"

"Why?" I question.

"Because of that," He puts, pointing up at the full moon. "If you want no one to die tonight, tell me where he is." He says. How the hell does he know about that? Wait - has he been talking to my brother, or did he pay him to come to me with all this bull to complete his prank?

I fold my arms and laugh. "Alright, you can tell Stiles that it was a great idea but this isn't funny anymore. I'm not falling for this stupid prank."

Derek furrows his eyebrows at me in annoyance. "A prank? This isn't a prank, Madison. Your best friend is going to turn tonight. And it's not gonna be good unless you tell me where he is."

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