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I begun walking down the hall after class, to head to my brother's Jeep to head home from school

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I begun walking down the hall after class, to head to my brother's Jeep to head home from school. Last night, Stiles had broken into Scott's house - which I'd refused to partake in, and glad I didn't since Scott's mom had caught Stiles in the act - where he'd told Scott about how we'd found out the driver had died.

Only I stop in place, furrowing my brows when I see Derek Hale, leant against a corner of a wall, clearly trying to not be seen but he's not doing a very good job. Not only that but he looks a lot paler than usual, and his eyes are swollen, hair rustled - he doesn't look good at all. I couldn't figure out why he'd be here. We'd now figured out that Derek wasn't actually a bad guy or the person who had bitten Scott - it had been some sort of 'Alpha' that he was looking for. That same Alpha killed the driver and Laura Hale. Which meant every reason we had to hate the guy, was no longer a reason.

And so because of this, I walked towards him. "Derek?"

His eyes immediately met mine, and he opened his mouth to speak only the school bells chimed and grabbed at his ears, scrunching his face in pain as he looked from the bell to me.

"What the hells going on? Are you...ok?" I question.

"Where's Scott?" He asks me.

I shrug. "Probably leaving class right now, why?"

"I need you to take me to him." He explains.

I nod. "Yeah, I think what you need is a hospital visit. You look...kinda rough."

"I was shot." He pants.

I raise my brows. "Shot? I thought you could heal."

"It was a special kind of bullet, which is why I need to see Scott, he can help me." He tells me.

I furrow my brows at him. Talk about vague - what the hell is a 'special kind of bullet' and how could Scott help him?

"Alright...well, the best I can do is take you to my brother's Jeep. Scott's probably with him so he'd come there." I tell him.

He narrows his eyes at me before nodding, and walking besides me as we head to the exit doors of the school. I notice that he's barely walking straight and have to slower my pace so I'm not over taking him. Whatever this 'magic bullet' is it's definitely done a number on him.

"Who shot you?" I question as we walk together.

"One of the Argents." He tells me, which makes sense. "Allison's aunt."

Allison has an aunt?

"Ok...and how the hell is Scott supposed to help you?" I ask.

He glares at me, as we approach the Jeep. "You ask a lot of questions."

I tilt my head at him. "Yes, because I'm trying to help you and you're telling me nothing!"

He sighs. "He can get into their house without any questions. I need him to find out the bullet she used."

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