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"Hey Madison!" I hear my dad call and turn around on my desk chair to get up and talk to him, when all of a sudden I see Derek stood behind my door

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"Hey Madison!" I hear my dad call and turn around on my desk chair to get up and talk to him, when all of a sudden I see Derek stood behind my door. What the hell is he doing here? How'd he even get in? He shushes me, ushering me to get my dad away and I give him an angry look.

"Hey dad." I smile, closing my door so all he can see is me. "Whats up?"

"Listen, I've got something I gotta take care of, but tell Stiles when he gets home I'm gonna be there tonight for his first game." He tells me and my fake smile turns into a real one.

I nod, trying to keep my cool. "That's great! Stiles will be very happy to hear."

"Ok, I'll see you there." He tells me, walking away.

"See you...there." My voice grows quieter as I notice he's gone and I sigh with relief he didn't try to come in, before reopening my door, and shutting it straight behind me, before turning around to Derek. He of course, doesn't look happy as always.

He takes a threatening step closer to me, holding his finger up, and I realise how little space I have to breathe, as my back touches the door. "If you say one word-"

"You know, you really love to go around barking orders when we're the ones helping you." I argue back, narrowing my eyes at him. He may have been through a lot, but he didn't have to act like an ungrateful asshole.

"You have a lot of nerve to argue back at me all the time, when you know what I am." His threatening look dies down and I shrug a little.

"Well, I'm not scared of you. If you wanted to hurt me you would have done it already." I respond coolly.

"Well, theres still time." He tells me.

"Well, go ahead." I respond, looking his face up and down, knowing he won't do anything - or maybe just hoping. He looks me up and down slowly, and my breath hitches and I feel frozen. It feels as though the room has gotten smaller. But it's not out of fear. Instead I'm almost enjoying it, the closeness, the tension - why does my body enjoy this? I barely like Derek. I don't like being around him, I hate that he's in my house. So why is my body telling me not to? I remembered how Scott had told us he'd be able to sense 'desire' or 'sexual attraction', and now I was stood hoping he wouldn't be able to sense anything like that from me.

He meets my eyes for a few moments, neither of us moving an inch. He then nods, taking a step back and I catch my breath before moving away from the door and back to my chair.

"Where's your brother?" He questions.

"Picking up Danny- this guy from our school, he's coming over for lab work." I tell him.

Derek raises his brows. "Coming here? Now?" He further questions.

"Pretty sure thats what I said." I furrow my brows. He looks annoyed.

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