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"Derek?" I question

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"Derek?" I question.

"Oh, thank god." Scott let's out a sigh of relief. Only that relief fades quickly, when we watch not only Derek's body, but our only hope of getting free begin to fall forward onto the ground, and behind him stands Jackson.

"This is the one controlling him? This kid?" Derek questions from below us, as Matt leans down towards him.

"Well, Derek, not everyone's lucky enough to be a big, bad werewolf." Matt then raises to his feet looking at the three of us. "Oh yeah! That's right, I've learnt a few things lately - werewolves, hunters, kanima's, athene noctua's - it's like a freaking Halloween party, every full moon! Except for you Stiles, what'd you turn into?"

"The Abominable Snowman, but it's more of a winter time thing, y'know, seasonal." Stiles puts sarcastically, and I watch as Matt tilts his head at Jackson, who doesn't waste a second to slash the back of Stiles' neck.

"Bitch." Stiles mumbles as as he falls onto the ground besides Derek.

"It must suck," He leans back down to the two of them. "to have all that power taken away from you with just a little cut at the back of the neck. I bet you're not used to feeling this helpless."

"Still got some teeth." Derek barks back. "Why don't you get down here a little closer. We'll see how helpless I am."

"Yeah, bitch." Stiles adds.

All of a sudden, headlights shine through the office windows and we hear a car driving towards us, pulling up. We all know what that sound means - something I'd been deluding myself wouldn't happen.

"Is that her?" Matt asks turning to Scott and I. "If you two do what I tell you to, I won't hurt her. I won't even let Jackson near her." He tells us, and Scott and I's worried eyes meet.

"Guys, don't trust him." Stiles calls out, and suddenly Matt presses his foot onto Stiles' chest, his face growing red as he gasps for air.

"Matt, stop!" I call out, stepping forward toward him to stop him, only Scott grabs my wrist. If I go anywhere near him, Jackson won't hesitate to kill me since he can't paralyse me.

"Ok, we'll listen just stop!" Scott calls as well, and after a few seconds, Matt removes his foot after getting his point across, and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Madison, you're going with those two. He may not be able to paralyse you, but he can kill either of them if you try anything." His eyes burn into mine and I have to resist every urge I have to physically attack him.

"You." His eyes move to Scott. "With me."

"You." He looks at Jackson. "Take them in there." He points to the other room, and I watch solemnly as Scott follows after Matt as I walk into the other room, giving him a sympathetic look as he looks at me, before he disappears behind the door frame.

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