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"Would you like to talk about Matt?"

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"Would you like to talk about Matt?"

Miss Morell's gentle inquiry hangs in the air, punctuated by the soft tap of my foot against the floor. I avoid her gaze, feeling the weight of my father's insistence on these counselling sessions for Stiles and I, after the incident at the station. Therapy hadn't been part of my life for years, and I hadn't missed it. Sharing my personal struggles with a stranger, especially a school counsellor, felt like an exercise in futility. Besides, I couldn't disclose half of the truth to her anyway.

I shrugged, my indifference palpable. "What's there to even say? He was a psychotic killer, and now he's dead."

"Do you not feel bad for him?" She questions.

I shake my head adamantly. "He killed countless people, he hurt my brother, my dad, Scott and his mom. Maybe he didn't deserve what happened to him when he was younger, but now he earned what he got."

Miss Morell nods slowly, absorbing my words. "One positive thing came out of this though."

She was referring to my dad getting his job back. Considering Stiles and I had been the reason he'd even lost it in the first place, it felt good to know we'd been able to help him get it back, even if the circumstances were less than ideal. "Yeah...I guess." I sighed. "But things are still off with us, I guess. And not just him. Scott too...Derek."

"Derek Hale?" Miss Morell's raised brows catch me off guard, and I inwardly curse myself for revealing too much. I shouldn't have mentioned his name.

"Yeah... he's... well, I don't know what he is," I admit, feeling a pang of frustration as I look down, fidgeting with my fingers under the desk.

"What's going on with Scott?" Miss Morell redirects the conversation, thankfully sidestepping the 'Derek' topic.

"We haven't spoken since that night. I mean... he's got a lot going on at the moment anyway, with his mom," I explain, omitting the fact that I'd been avoiding him ever since overhearing his conversation with Gerard. I didn't know what to make of it, and I hadn't even confided in Stiles yet. Trusting Scott was becoming increasingly difficult.

"I read in your file that you have IED. How has controlling your anger been?" Miss Morell leans forward, her curiosity evident.

I sighed to myself. "I guess it had been getting easier, with the meds, staying away from triggers and everything but...recently it's been hard to deal with I guess, with everything going on. it's been near impossible to stay calm."

" haven't had any incidents, have you?" She probes.

I definitely had. I mean, the other night I'd basically risked my life just to get back at Matt because I was that pissed at him. And that wasn't even everything. Training sessions with Derek had been surprisingly helpful in managing my anger, reminiscent of the control I felt during shooting lessons with my dad, which I'd stopped attending a year ago.

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