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After what's probably been an hour of holding Derek up, I realise I'm not going to be able to do it for much longer, as my arm grows sore

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After what's probably been an hour of holding Derek up, I realise I'm not going to be able to do it for much longer, as my arm grows sore. Whatever added strength I have, isn't a lot, clearly.

"Derek I'm not gonna be able to hold you for much longer." I admit to him. "I need to get my phone."

"Madison, you can't let me go." He instructs.

"Look if I get to the phone I can text Scott to come and help us. I mean it's not like it can paralyse me too right? I let you go for 30 seconds, send the text, bring you back up - then at least we have something!" I argue back.

"It may not be able to paralyse you, Madison, but it can kill you." He reminds me. I still don't understand why he cares.

I sigh. "You have to trust me."

"I do trust you." He tells me.

"Really? You do?" I look confused. There's no time to even take that information in. He trusts me. A few weeks ago I hated him, and now I'm floating in a pool holding him up and my heart is fluttering from hearing him say he trusts me.

"Yes." He sighs. "Just do it. Quick." He tells me and I hear him hold his breath before I swim as fast as my legs can take me and grab the phone, before the lizard creature can reach me, and it hisses at me.

I swim deeper into the walker, and call Scott, putting the phone to my ear as I anxiously wait for him to pick up. "Scott?!" I yell as soon as he does.

"I can't talk right now." He answers, in annoyance and before I can even say another syllable, he hangs up the phone. I stare at the screen in horror, scoffing. What the hell? I swear, he better be in a life or death situation right now. I stare blankly at my phone, knowing I don't have time to call again, or call Stiles. If I leave Derek in the water any longer, he's gonna drown. And so as much as it pains me to do so, I'm forced to throw my phone away in the pool, so my hands are free to dive into the water and pull Derek up.

As soon as the both of us reach the surface, we gasp for air. "Tell me you got him!" Derek pants.

I don't respond as I bring air back to my lungs, though the silence itself was answer enough.


"I can't stay up any longer. I'm gonna need something to hold onto." I spluttered, my eyes darting around until I began to try to swim, carrying Derek with me to the side of the pool. But it was near impossible - Derek seemed to be out of it and he was only getting heavier, and my arm was beginning to feel as if it was going to snap in two. I reached up, trying to grab onto a nob on the side of the pool, but it was too high up for me, and so I slipped, losing my grip on Derek and slipping under water myself.

Only suddenly, a hand grabbed the back of my shirt and pulled me out of the water, throwing me out and onto the pool floor, as I continuously coughed up water, my throat burning in agony, as I bent over on all 4's. My eyes moved upwards and I saw Derek laid besides me, somewhat moving, his paralysis clearly wearing off.

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