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I walk into Derek's hide out, my backpack glued onto me, clutching its strap on my hand as I look around for him around the subway

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I walk into Derek's hide out, my backpack glued onto me, clutching its strap on my hand as I look around for him around the subway. I furrow my brows, looking down at my phone. This was the same time as yesterday, so why the hell was he not here? Did he get into trouble with the Argent's or something? "Derek?" I call out, standing in the middle of the area, looking around. "This better not have been some jo-"

All of a sudden Derek jumps out from the darkness and slams his arm in my direction, forcing me to duck to evade not being knocked on my ass, and as I rise back up and I look at him confused. When I asked him to help teach me to fight I don't remember saying I wanted him to beat me up as well.

"What the hell?" I exclaim, pulling my backpack off.

He shrugs. "Surprise attack."

I scoff. "What the hell do you mean surpr-"

Only Derek doesn't allow me to finish my sentence as he swings his arm at me again, forcing me to duck once more. "Do you think your enemies will give you the courtesy of letting you know when they're going to attack you?"

I glare at him, tilting my head and raising my fists. "No. They won't."


After an hour of training, and somehow managing to get Derek on his ass half the amount of times he does to me, I was exhausted, grabbing my backpack off the ground as Derek turned back around to me. "You're a fast learner."

I raise a brow at him. "I did tell you. Maybe I'll be able to take on the Kanima."

"Let's...not get ahead of ourselves."

A small smile capture's my lips. "Relax. I'm kidding. Besides, I'm not going to need to because this plan is gonna work." I was referring to tonight's plan to catch Jackson and his master at the rave - which we still didn't have tickets too. But once we did, the plan was definitely going to be in motion.

"I hope so." Derek sighs.

I had no idea what we were going to do exactly after we caught Jackson and his master but, I suppose it's better to worry one step at a time. But I did know that even though Derek had agreed not to kill Jackson, the same couldn't be said about the one controlling him. And I knew exactly what would happen when he found out who it was and we got the answers we needed. But I didn't say anything. Because a part of me wasn't exactly against the idea. I mean, Jackson had no control but this person did. Maybe they deserved it.

"It will." I reiterate, watching him as he walks over to a box of stuff and begins to lock it. I bite my lip, watching not sure whether to speak or not. But I can't stop myself. " careful."

He immediately looks up at me, freezing as he widens his eyes, probably surprised to hear me caring.

"I mean...after that message on the board, everyone's free game now. Plus he can paralyse you too so...make sure you're not standing anywhere near 8 feet of water."

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