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I stepped out the school, since my free period was the last of the school day - which meant it was also my favourite day since I got to go home early

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I stepped out the school, since my free period was the last of the school day - which meant it was also my favourite day since I got to go home early. Though, I was not looking forward to the walk home since Stiles has to stay since he has detention, but I'd rather walk than sit through a Harris detention - he's evil.

As soon as I step out the doors, a black Camaro I recognise all too well, pulls up in front of me, the front window already down.

"Get in." Derek tells me, sporting black shades.

I stand there scoffing. "No way. Isaac is in a cell because of you, because of what you did to him." The puzzle that was Derek Hale was becoming all the more impossible to solve. Why had he turned Isaac, an innocent teenage boy? So he can be hunted his entire life? Just so he can have some extra power against the Argents?

"I need your help." He now tells me.

"My help? Why me, you have no idea what I am?" I respond.

"You had a vision that night in the hospital right? Of Lydia escaping?" He questions and I hesitantly nod. "I wanna see if it will happen again."

"So you think I'm psychic?" I question.

"I don't know what you are Madison, but it would be pretty helpful to make a guess." He tells me, and so I sigh, before walking over to his car.

I climb into the passenger seat. "Where are we going, anyways?"

"Isaac's house."


"So if Isaac didn't kill his dad, do you have any idea who did it?" I question as we pace through Isaac's house after Derek had explained to me the story of what had happened last night. I hold a flashlight, though it really doesn't seem necessary since I can see pretty clearly.

"I don't know yet." He tells me and I nod to myself.

"Great. Seems like you know nothing at all." I fake smile, turning on my heel to look at him for a second as we walk.

"You have a problem with me." He voices the obvious.

"Well, you're the Alpha now, aren't you? I don't know if I can trust you anymore." I tell him, truthfully. The last and only Alpha before him I've ever met was Peter, and let's just say he wasn't exactly trustworthy.

He nods. I guess he can see how it's a fair point.

I look down at my flashlight "Why do I need this again?.It's not that even that dark down here."

"It's practically pitch black down here." He argues back.

I shake my head. Sure it wasn't like it was daylight outside, but it sure as hell wasn't pitch black. How can he barely see?

"I guess those wolfy senses aren't as good as you thought." I shrug.

"Or..." He begins as we reach a door and I turn to face him. "you have another sense we weren't aware of." He raises his brows, and I realise he might have a point.

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