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"I have a question for you

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"I have a question for you." I ask Derek, as I swing a punch at him which he evades. I was at his new hide out, just before school as I'd arrived as he'd asked for my first fighting session.

"You always have questions. Go ahead." He pants as we continue fighting.

"You said to me the night we were trapped in the pool that you trust me. I wanna know why." I ask, successfully dodging his arms, as he evidently takes a second to think of a response to a question I've wanted the answer to for too long.

"The night we found out who the Alpha was, you were willing to risk everything just to save your brother." He tells me, and I step back, needing a second to process what he's saying. "That's when I knew I could trust you. And you've also never lied to me. Not once." He finishes, as I look at him breathlessly for a moment, my lips parted as I try to figure out if he's telling the truth. He knew he could trust me because I saved my brother?

I suppose it probably reminded him of his own family. I mean, he said 11 people died in the fire at his house, so he had to have had a large family. And from what I knew, they'd have done the same for each other a million times over.

And so with that I smack my lips together and nod, swinging an arm at him to return to practising.

All of a sudden, Derek grabs my arm and pulls me back against him, a firm grip on both my arms, one of which resides on my chest the other by my side and I am rendered unable to move as I try to release myself from his grip yet it doesn't work - no matter how much I try to move. "That's not fair." I grunt, another one of his tests.

"Figure it out." He breathes from behind me.

I ponder in my mind for a second ways to escape only suddenly, it then becomes apparent the feeling of his hands on my arm, on my waist, lightly touching my body and I realise I actually doesn't want him to let go -turning her head slightly and noticing how close we are, inches apart and suddenly I can't even think about how to get out, all I can think about is his breath against my skin and his touch . It clouds my thoughts.

"I don't know how to do that." I barely whisper, realising my lips are just inches away from his.

He lightly spins me around to face him, and heat begins to wash all over my body, as I try my hardest to just maintain eye contact with him yet fail massively, as my eyes move continuously between his eyes and lips. His hands are still on my arms, and his eyes still on mine. I feel like I'm losing my mind.

"You can..." His voice is soft, as he travels his hands lightly down my forearms, to my hands, my skin burning under his touch, and remembering exactly where his fingers had been as I still feel the touch of them. "by using these." He tells me, now lifting up my palms and I look down, the sight of his hands holding mine makes my heart begin to race even more. I hate that he knows how I feel right now. But he is feeding into it, and he's not running away. Maybe a part of him feels it too.

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