Chapter 68 - Nights in SoHo

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As the SUV slows to a stop behind the club, the deep thrum of bass-heavy music pulses through the air, even out here in the alley. The building looms above us, its exterior unassuming, almost too plain to hint at the exclusive world within. But according to Brianna—Gospel is one of the most coveted spots in SoHo, a place where the city's elite come to play, and apparently Vinny owns it. This is Castellano territory, which appears to be everything in this city.

The car door opens with a soft click, and the cool night air rushes in, carrying with it the faint scent of the city—a mix of asphalt, lingering summer heat, and the distant aroma of street food. Federico steps out first, his sharp gaze sweeping the area before he opens the backdoor for us. I exchange a quick glance with Brianna and Emily, their excitement mirroring mine, though there's a nervous edge to it, too.

Emily catches my eye and grins, the red of her dress standing out against the dark surroundings. "Ready, Maddie?"

"Let's do this," I reply, a little breathless with anticipation.

We step out of the SUV, our heels clicking softly on the pavement as we're quickly flanked by Luca's men. Their presence is reassuring, a silent reminder that we're protected, even in this world where danger lurks just beneath the surface. One of the men, tall and broad-shouldered with a neatly trimmed beard, steps forward and nods to Federico.

"Everything's clear," he says, his voice low but carrying authority. "The boss is inside, waiting."

"Good," Federico replies, his tone just as calm and composed as always. He turns to us, offering a slight smile. "Let's head in, ladies."

The back entrance is a simple metal door, tucked away in the shadows of the alley. It's not much to look at, but the moment we step inside, the atmosphere changes. The dull noise of the city is replaced by the deep, vibrating pulse of music, and the scent of expensive perfume and alcohol fills the air. The hallway we enter is narrow, dimly lit, with plush carpeting that absorbs the sound of our footsteps as we make our way down.

The corridor leads us to another set of doors, this time grander, with the faint echo of laughter and conversation slipping through the cracks. Federico steps ahead, pushing them open to reveal the heart of Gospel.

The club is everything I imagined and more. It's opulent, with dark wood paneling, rich velvet drapes, and chandeliers that cast a warm, golden glow over everything. The main floor is packed with people, the elite of New York City, all dressed in their finest, the air thick with energy and excitement. Music thumps loudly, a hypnotic rhythm that makes the entire room feel alive, like it's pulsing with its own heartbeat.

But we don't enter through the main floor. Instead, we're guided around the edge of the crowd, past velvet ropes and the discerning eyes of the club's patrons. The men escort us with practiced ease, leading us up a short flight of stairs to the VIP section, where the atmosphere is a little more subdued, but no less intense. Here, the tables are spaced further apart, allowing for privacy, and the guests are even more exclusive. This is where the real power players come to relax.

As we enter the VIP area, my eyes scan the room, taking in the sight of luxurious booths, low tables adorned with expensive bottles of champagne and whiskey, and the people lounging in them—each one a player in this world of wealth and influence. But I don't see Luca.

Vinny is the first to greet us, a wide smile spreading across his face as he approaches. He's dressed in a tailored suit, his hair slicked back, giving him an air of polished confidence. "Maddie, Brianna, Emily, my love," he greets us warmly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Welcome to Gospel. I'm glad you could finally make it." he jokes and look at the time on his watch.

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