Chapter 67 - The calm before

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I stand in front of the bathroom mirror in Luca's penthouse, carefully applying mascara as Brianna and Emily chat beside me. The warm light overhead casts a soft glow on our reflections, and I can't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness bubbling up inside me. Tonight we go out to celebrate Dante's birthday, and apparently we go to this exclusive club in SoHo.

Luca was first hesitant about us getting ready here. It's his personal space, and I get it. He's not used to having other people invade his sanctuary. But when I asked him if we could use his bathroom, and I gave him the look—the one I know he cannot resists—he eventually caved. I know he can't say no to me, and that thought makes me smile as I swipe another layer of gloss across my lips.

Brianna is fussing with her hair, curling each strand to perfection, while Emily is perfecting her winged eyeliner, her focus intense. The three of us have always had these little rituals, these moments of bonding over getting ready together, but tonight feels different. There's an undercurrent of something more—anticipation, maybe, or the weight of everything we've been through recently.

As I lean in closer to the mirror to see if I did not make any mistakes, I hear footsteps behind me, the familiar sound of Luca's leather loafers on the hardwood floor. I glance up and see him standing in the doorway, leaning casually against the frame. He's dressed in all black, from his perfectly tailored shirt, where the first 3 buttons are undone, to the slim-fit pants that hug him in all the right places. The sight of him sends a jolt of electricity through me. God, he looks incredible.

Our eyes meet in the mirror, and for a moment, the world outside this bathroom fades away. It's just us, locked in a gaze that says more than words ever could. His dark hair styled to perfection, and there's that smoldering intensity in his eyes that always makes my knees weak. I have to remind myself that we are not alone in the bathroom.

"Maddie," he says, his voice low and smooth. "The guys are heading down to the club now. Federico's waiting downstairs to take you whenever you're ready."

His words pull me out of my trance, and I nod, though I can't seem to tear my eyes away from him. There's something about Luca in all black that just does things to me. I can feel the heat rising in my cheeks, and I'm pretty sure my pulse is racing faster than it should be.

"Thanks," I manage to say, though my voice comes out a little breathless. I quickly glance at Brianna and Emily, who are both pretending to be engrossed in their makeup but are definitely sneaking glances at Luca. They're trying to be polite, but I can see the amusement in their eyes.

Luca shifts slightly, as if debating something. I can tell he's aware of the other two girls in the room, and for a second, I think he's going to just turn and leave. But then, in that way that's so him, he crosses the room in a few quick strides and stops right in front of me.

He stops behind me, him towering over me, as we look at each other through the mirror. He reaches out, his hand brushing my waist as he leans in close, his breath warm against my cheek. "I'll see you there," he murmurs, and then, despite the fact that Brianna and Emily are standing just a few feet away, he presses his lips to mine in a brief but searing kiss.

My heart does a little flip in my chest as his mouth meets mine. It's over too quickly, but the feel of his lips lingers, leaving me slightly dazed. When he pulls back, there's a trace of a smile on his lips, and I know he's aware of the effect he has on me.

"Don't take too long," he says, his voice carrying a hint of playful warning before he steps back.

"I won't," I promise, my voice soft. I watch as he turns and heads toward the door, my eyes following the way his shoulder muscles move under that black shirt. He gives a small nod to the girls, who grin back at him, and then he's gone, leaving me standing there, trying to collect myself.

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