-Chaptet Fifty-one-

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Sophie placed her books in her locker. She took out the heart-shaped box of chocolates and placed it into her purse. She picked it up from the store yesterday for Keefe for Valentines Day.

She started heading her way to PE. Because of the holiday, the coaches were giving them a free day to exchange valentines.

Arriving at her class, she scanned the gymnasium. She spotted Keefe at the other end of the room with Fitz and a couple of the other baseball players. She walked over but didn't interrupt until they were done talking.

"Hey, I got you something," Sophie told him. She gave him the box of chocolate. "Happy Valentine's Day

His face lit up. "Thank you! Here, I got you something, too."

He turned around to pick something up off the bleachers. When he turned back to her, he placed a bouquet of roses in her arms.

Sophie grinned. "I love it." She got on her tip toes to kiss him.

Once they pulled away, Keefe asked, "So do you have any plans tonight?"

She shook her head. "I don't think so. How come?"

His grin turned sly. "I'll pick you up at six, then." He leaned in for a hug. In her ear, he whispered. "Wear something nice. But, then again, it's you, so anything you wear is nice."

Sophie's face heated up more than it had in a long time.

Sophie looked through her closet, trying to figure out what to wear. She wasn't exactly sure where they were going. All she knew was to wear something nice. But that could be subjective depending on where they were heading.

After about fifteen minutes of back and forth between jeans and a dress, she finally called Biana for help.

On the fourth ring, Biana awnsered her phone. She was in front of the mirror, applying some mascara.

"What's up, girl?" She asked when she placed the mascara wand down.

"I need help with getting ready for a date tonight. He was being cryptic with where we're going, and I don't know what to wear.

"Hmmm," Biana thought. "How exactly was he being cryptic?"

"He just told me to wear something nice and that's it."

"Let me see your closet."

Sophie got up and opened the door. She switched the camera around fo Biana could see.

"So, do I wear jeans or-"

"Nope!" She cut off. On the video call, she pointed to the left.

Sophie reached into her closent to grab her red dress. "This one?"

"Yup! Now go try it on."

She turned off her camera as she got the dress on. When she got turned it back on, Biana squealed.

"Ok, now what are you doing for makeup."

Sophie shrugged. "I don't know. I don't really have much to work with."

Biana rolled her eyes. "Just show me what you have"

Sophie went into her bathroom. I side her makeup drawer was mascara, a small
eyeshadow pallet, concealer, and a lip gloss.

"We can work with this," Biana said before walking Sophie through what to do. Once finished, she seemed mighty pleased with her instructional work.

Sophie smiled. She had to admit that she did a decent job.

"Thank you," she told Biana. "I really appreciate it. Are you and Dex going anywhere?"

She lit up. "We are, actually. Going to go for ice cream and then to the fair in town."

"Well, I hope you have fun."

"You too!" She turned to somewhere out of frame. "Oh! I gotta go. Bye!"


When Sophie got off the phone, she picked up her purse and put on her shoes. By the time she had sprayed on her perfume, she heard a knock on the door.

She hurried to go awnser it. She was extremely grateful she didn't wear jeans when she opened the door to find Keefe in a tuxedo.

He smiled and offered out his hand. "Shall we madame?"

She took it and dipped an exaggerated curtsy. "We shall."

He opened the car door for her, then went to get in the driver's seat. Sophie asked several times, but he still wouldn't say where they were going.

Sophie finally got her awnser when they pulled up to one of the fanciest restaurants in town. She gasped.

"How did you..." The words died on her tongue.

First of all, how did he get the reservation? She knew from her parents it could take months. Second of all, how in heck did that boy think he could afford this place?

Keefe must've been able to feel her unanswered questions, because he started to explain, "It was supposed to be a gift from Bo's family to him and Ro for Christmas. Well, for obvious reasons, they didn't want to keep it. Soooo, Ro offered it to me, saying the reservation was for Valentines Day, and I could surprise you with it."

"Aww," Sophie cooed. She reached over the center console to hug him. "You're too sweet!"

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