{ chapter 1 }

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You sat at your desk, quill in hand. It was the beginning of your last year at Hogwarts, but you were already ready for it to end. D.A.D.A bored you, and the constant amount of professors taking over the subject made it hard for you to keep up. A man called Remus lupin was the current D.A.D.A professor, you thought he was nice enough but there was certainly nothing special about him. He taught fine but D.A.D.A was never really your strong suit, the study of potions however, was.

" You are all dismissed." Lupin announced. Everyone began to pick up there things and leave. As you were about to walk through the doors to exit the classroom, you collided with someone you hadn't realised was stood directly in the doorway. Are you kidding me? Your books and wand fell to the floor with a *CRASH*, you bent down to pick them up." Watch where you're going next ti..." As you began to finish your irritated remark, you slowly looked up. Stood before you was a tall man, in dark robes with raven shoulder length hair. It was none other than the potion master himself, Severus Snape. Oh my god, no! Straight faced, he spoke in a calm yet mildly threatening tone, "Before telling others to watch where they are going, miss L/N, I suggest you take a long, hard look at your own surroundings first." You nodded with a," yes sir." And left the classroom abruptly.

I am so stupid. You shook your head as you walked down the corridor to your next lesson. Shit! i have potions. Your next lesson was with the man you had pretty much just shoulder barged not even two minutes before. He was usually in a bad mood but you knew he would definitely have it in for you now. As you got to the classroom doors you took a long, deep breath and pushed them open. You were the first one in the classroom, nobody else was there yet. Out of the corner of your eye you saw Snape sat down at his desk, eyeing you up with an intimidating stare. How did he get here so quickly?

" You're late." He muttered almost under his breath. " Sorry sir? I didn't quite hear you." You replied. " You are late to my lesson miss L/N. Ten points from Gryffindor." He sneered. What is this man on? I was early! You didn't bother to argue in fear more points would be deducted, you just sat down at the desk furthest away from him, crossed your arms and gave him an annoyed look. Soon the rest of the students entered the classroom, you looked at Snape as if to say 'are you going to tell them they are late too?'  The corners of his mouth lifted forming into an almost smirk seeing you enraged like this, before breaking eye contact and starting the lesson. The absolute nerve of this man.

Many students at Hogwarts were afraid of Snape, it was understandable as to why with his undeniable dominance, but you found him more arrogant than scary. He was a strict man, and definitely seemed to display favouritism towards those in Slytherin house. You spent the whole lesson pissed off about what had happened and was not afraid to make it obvious that you were in a mood. Yeah I bumped into him, but he doesn't need to be such a prick about it. Ten points off your house seemed very harsh but he seemingly had no care, he was convinced you had a lesson to be taught.

He suddenly slammed his hands on your desk, you had not noticed him approach so this made you jump. " Instead of being an insufferable little brat...why don't you tell me what is needed to make polyjuice potion?" You stared him directly in the eye," Fluxweed and knotgrass." He raised a brow at your quick response, "Impressive...now tell me miss L/N, how is amortentia made?" He questioned leaning forward slightly, not expecting you to know the answer," Easy. Ashwinder eggs, rose thorns, peppermint, powdered moonstone, the brewers love's lock of hair..." You took a pause and leaned forward in your seat, getting more in Snape's face," Or a drop of their blood." You fell back in your seat content in the fact that you had proved your doubting professor wrong.

He looked you up and down, adjusting the cuffs of his sleeves as he did so. He nodded and carried on teaching the rest of the class. That shows him, who does the think he is calling me a brat? A part of you wondered if he was impressed or even proud of you for knowing the answers to all his questions so fast, he was still your professor after all even though at the beginning of the lesson it was as if he was your sworn enemy.

Soon enough class was over. You picked up your stuff as everyone rushed out of the classroom. You were the first one into the class, and now you were the last one out. You got to the door about to leave when you heard the baritone voice of your professor calling after you, " Miss L/N." You turned around to meet his eye wondering what he was going to say, " Ten points to Gryffindor." You let out a sly smile and walked away. Maybe he is not so bad after all.

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