{ chapter 19 }

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Straight after school you made your way to the library. You enjoyed reading, it seemingly acted as a far better way of taking your mind off things than getting drunk was. You went every week to get potions books to keep up with your studies until you could arrange for Snape to assist you. You were also very partial to a story, romances to be specific. You had just finished the last story you were reading, so you wanted to find a new one.

You had a stack of around 7 potions books already in your arms, it was quite hard to see over them but you know the direction of the romance section you wanted to get to. You began to walk there, until you collided with someone causing all your books to crash to the floor. Malfoy.

" Y/N." He said, " Malfoy." You sighed, as you got down on your knees to pick up the books he had caused you to drop. " You can call me Draco darling, no need to use my last name. We are a couple after all." You shot him a look. " Says who?" You stood again after having retrieved all the books from the floor, he took them from your hands and placed them on a shelf beside you. "Apparently you have been telling people that we are together, i knew you would come to your senses sooner or later." Oh no.

You attempted to grab your books again to leave, but he purposefully blocked them with his body. " No need to get shy and run away now love ." He sneered. Your heart was beating fast, but not in the good way. What have i got myself into? " I think there has been a mistake Draco...i am not your girlfriend ." You tried to get past him but it was no use. " No mistakes here darling, you know you want me all to yourself. So have me, or am i going to need to have you?" He leaned in fast grabbing you, placing an aggressive kiss on your lips. You shoved him off startled, he laughed, " Don't act like you hadn't been waiting for me to-" * SLAP!* You slapped him right across the face with force, he held his cheek and looked back at you enraged. " My father will hear about this!" And walked off, throwing your books from the shelf in anger. What the fuck just happened ?!

You still felt Draco's intrusive kiss on your lips. You took a long deep breath to calm yourself, and continued off to the romance section books in hand. Your mind was spinning, adrenaline was pumping . How could I have let that happen? When you got to the romance section you scanned the covers to find something that caught your attention . You pulled some out, flipping through the first few pages to see if you would want to continue reading them. You found one you liked, and added it to your ever growing pile of books. You brought the books back to your dorm and set them on the shelf filled with previously borrowed books you had read before.

You so desperately wanted to tell someone what happened with Draco, but you were already in enough dramatics already. It's just another thing i will have to deal with alone. You lounged on your bed and began to read the romance novel you had chosen. Each flip of a page you felt more and more relaxed, each line was addictive and each word was encapsulating. You felt calm in your mind for the first time since you were sat by the fireplace with Snape by your side. You felt free.

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