{ chapter 39 }

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Everyone sat around Snape's table, trying to come to terms with the information you had just been given." I think we should go to Borgin and Burkes. Speak to the owners about if they witnessed anything and hope they can point us in the right direction." You spoke up." Stupid idea." You shot a look at Snape, " And why is that dear Severus?" You questioned half mockingly. " Because Mr Borgin and Mr Burke are horrible people, they will tell you nothing. Not to mention, it means us putting ourselves deliberately in the path of all things Dark arts." You rolled your eyes." Do you have a better idea? Didn't think so. Plus we have a DEFENCE against the dark arts professor right here! And another rather handsome professor that has been wanting to teach it for years." You ran your hand down his chest and he glared at you fed up.

" I agree with Miss L/N." Lupin replied. " It's our best option." Luna nodded in agreement. " Thank you Lupin, but one thing I will say is you don't need to call me Miss L/N. We have known each other long enough and believe me, this is not a formal setting." Lupin smiled, " Okay, Y/N it is!" - " Indeed it is Remus, now are we all ready to leave?" You questioned. Snape held you close preparing to apparate and Lupin held Luna's hand. " Okay, to Knockturn Alley in 3...2...1-" wha?! The other two had apparated away whilst you found yourself pinned against the wall with your hands above your head by Snape.

" Sev!" You yelped. " Listen to me very clearly Gryffindor." He demanded, " If I see any more funny business between you and Lupin, there will be consequences." You were shocked, " Funny business? What are you talking about?!" He pushed his body harder into yours, " Telling him he can call you by your first name." You chuckled to yourself, " Oh come on Sev, that's not-" - " And actively trying not to think about him during sex." Oh shit. " Do you wish I was him Y/N? Do you wish it was his hands touching you, him inside of you instead of me?" - " NO SEVERUS!" You paused for a moment, simply staring into his hypnotically dark eyes. " I had a dream a while ago, long before you even kissed me for the first time. Dumbledoor had just separated us and I was desperate for you, utterly starving for your touch. The dream it...it felt so real. I walked to the astrology tower and you were there. I ran into your arms and you kissed me like nobody else was in the room." He loosened his grip on you slightly so you could relax your arms by your sides.  " Until someone was in the room. Lupin, he tied me to a chair and you...well you were making me feel things I only then wished you would. I remember waking from the dream only being more desperate for you and completely weirded out as to why Lupin was there." - " This dirty little dream of yours is cute Y/N, but it links to my point because..." - " Because Severus, seeing you on your knees like that, feeling me like that, it brought back that dream. Me actively not thinking about Lupin was simply me wanting to make my 'dirty little dream' come true without ruining it with the thought of Remus." You shook your head in disbelief, " And stop reading my bloody mind."

Snape smirked and stroked your face, " How many other deliciously naughty dreams do you have in there we are yet to make come true?" - " A fair few if you are willing to change that later." He pulled you in for an elongated, hunger-driven kiss, " More than willing." He wrapped you in his arms and apparated to Knockturn alley in the blink of an eye.


" About time you two!" Luna exclaimed. " I suggest you keep your voice down Miss Lovegood, unless you feel like becoming a deatheater's chew toy." Snape snapped, you looked at Luna and shrugged. " Calm down Severus, she had a reasonable question." Lupin shot back," And I had a reasonable response." Snape replied.  " Everyone shut up. Borgin and Burkes is over there. Follow me and act mysterious, or in some peoples cases..." You looked at Snape and winked lovingly, " Act natural." He elbowed you playfully in response to your subtle jab at his dark demeanour, and followed you towards Borgin and Burkes.

You made your way to the entrance and pushed through the doors. The inside of the building was littered with artifacts and old magical antiques, which were sure to be harmful in one way or another. Other than the obvious abundance of dark objects, no wizards or witches were in sight. "Hello!" You shouted, " We are looking for the owners?" You looked around for any sign of life. This is weird... " Greetings!" A voice from behind the front desk shot up making you jump, " Welcome to Borgin and Burkes, I am Mr Burke how can I help you?" You were frozen still slightly in shock, before feeling the warm hands of Snape lightly ushering you to speak. " Oh um, we wanted to ask if you had potentially witnessed a girl with a man and a kidnapped boy come into your shop." Mr Burke stayed silent.

" Not the most descriptive Y/N." Lupin chimed in, "Oh right, come on Remus give it a crack. I'm sure you can do it so much better than me." You replied, rolling your eyes. " The girl was a young adult, brown hair and potentially in a ballgown after attending a ball but probably trying to cover her face. The boy was in a tuxedo, either looking scared out of his mind or entranced by some sort of spell. The only description of the man we have is ' mysterious', I hope that helps." Your jaw was to the floor, Luna came up behind you, " I hate to admit it Y/N, but he did do it considerably better." You turned to her as if to say ' I'm aware'.

Out of nowhere Mr Burke whistled loudly and, out of the shadows, came multiple shady looking wizards completely surrounding you. " Wands up guys." You instructed, " This won't be pretty."

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