{ chapter 11 }

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You waited patiently for her arrival, you had refused to speak to Jasmine for the last few days even though she was literally your room mate. You had sent her a letter in which you told her to meet you in the Gryffindor common room after school to sort things out. It had now been 20 minutes since school ended and you were still waiting. Just as you were about to get up and leave, the door swung open and she walked in holding your letter firmly in her hand.

" Bit petty even for you Y/N, don't you think ? " she stated, waving it in the air. You rolled your eyes and pointed at the sofa next to you for her to sit. " I'm just trying to prove my point Jaz." Her face screamed 'I'm pissed off ' and you really didn't want to mess with her. " What point does it prove not talking to your best friend for countless days? I was trying to protect you Y/N."

You so wanted to tell her about everything, but you couldn't risk her telling Dumbledoor anything again. " The point I'm trying to prove is I love potions and by you telling Dumbledoor about Snape, it's taken that away from me." She groaned in pure annoyance, " And you think that's my fault? The only reason you are no longer doing potions is because you decided to tell Dumbledoor that you ' Imagined ' Snape reading your mind. If you just told him the truth, you would be doing potions with a better professor, and Snape who we both hate would be fired. That is all on you!" She shouted, clearly letting a lot off her chest. Damn...Jazzy. You almost didn't recognise her.

It hurt to know she felt the need to shout that at you, but maybe you needed to hear it. If she knew your feelings towards Snape and the extent of the bond you had built, it would be easier for her to understand but she knows none of it, nobody does. You reached out your hand to her, " You're right." She looked up at you, " I do hate Snape, I should not have lied. I will do what Dumbledoor says and stay away from him if you promise to never tell him anything I say to you ever again." She reached back towards your hand and shook it. The guilt of lying directly to your best friend's face was eating you up from the inside out. Saying you hated Snape and that you would stay away from him was probably the biggest lie you could have possibly told.

You painted a fake smile across your face and stood up to hug her, she wrapped her arms around you tight. " I missed you Y/N. Even though I saw you every day, it was like my best friend was not there." You could feel your heart on the brink of breaking, " I'm so sorry." She placed her hand on your shoulder, " It's okay honey, it's ok."

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