{ chapter 18 }

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Fast forward to Monday. Every time you and Jasmine had seen Draco since yesterday, you did your best to divert away as fast as possible. " Y/N I want to talk to Draco!" She wined, " WHY?!" You snapped back. She took a step away from you, " Woahhh, it's not as if  i'm not trying to steal your boyfriend, great Merlin Y/N!" It took all your strength in that moment not to slap her. " a boyfriend? Very interesting."

You turned around to find Lupin sat at his desk inside his classroom, you hadn't noticed that you had walked right outside it whilst waiting for class to start. " Oh Professor...no boyfriend. Jasmine was just joking." She shot you a look. " Is that why you woke up in his bed Sunday morning ?" She whispered, just loud enough for Lupin to hear. You saw his eyes widen as the words left her mouth. Fuck. You began to approach Lupin at speed, desperate to explain yourself. " Bet Draco loved it!" She called after you and walked away. What a bitch!

You sat down infront of Lupin completely embarrassed, even though you waking up in Draco's bed never actually happened. Lupin spoke up, "Mr Malfoy hmm? I honestly expected better from you miss L/N." You sighed. "Just be careful okay, Slytherins and Gryffindors have never traditionally mixed." Me and Snape... You took a deep breath preparing yourself to tell him the full truth about how you had stayed at Snape's and the Draco story was a complete coverup, but ultimately decided against it with a long exhale. "I was drunk Sir." He gasped and grabbed your arm, "Did he take advantage of you? My god, if he did I swear I will -" you placed a firm hand on his shoulder to stop him. Wow, did he really expect that from Draco? "No no professor, I just made a stupid drunken decision to go back with him. He is not my boyfriend, just an honest mistake."

Lupin took his hand slowly off your arm and nodded composing himself, " Good...I worry sometimes, you know. I'm sorry i jumped to conclusions, I just wanted to make sure you were safe." You smiled at his kindness, " i appreciate you being there for me professor, but I'm okay." He began to set up the lesson he was soon due to teach. "Any luck on the private lessons?" He asked hopefully." Um yes actually, well sort of..." He raised an eyebrow and you continued, " I spoke to Snape privately but not about the lessons, it must have slipped my mind in the moment."

He began to chalk the title of his lesson onto the blackboard, "Slipped your mind? You couldn't stop talking about it the last few times you have come to see me!" He exclaimed, laughing slightly. "Well I expect I'll have to go see him again, be prepared to cover for us Professor." You winked at him and smirked, he winked back and tapped the side of his nose to show that the secret was safe with him. Your first lesson was charms, so you had to leave. You stood in the doorway, " Thanks for the chat as always Professor , I'm sure I'll be back to ramble on about more nonsense soon." You chirped, "And I'll be ready to listen. Until then Miss L/N." He waved and you took off to charms.

On your way, as you were walking down the hallway by yourself, you felt a sharp tug on your hood. You got whipped behind the corner of a wall and pinned by a warm body. Severus. You smiled, " Wipe that smile off your face young lady, what have I heard about you having a boyfriend?" Jasmine. " I don't have a boyfriend Severus, I used Draco as a coverup to the fact that I was with you last night." He sighed and pushed a piece of hair behind your ear, looking into your eyes, "Clever girl." Immediate butterflies engulfed your body, being praised by Snape was almost too much to handle.

"Even if I did have a boyfriend, why would you care?" you looked him up and down as much as you could while still being pinned against a wall. He looked upon you, his expression cold, " No reason." God, I wish I had legilimency powers so I could read his mind right now. You placed a soft hand upon his chest."Wouldn't be jealousy would it?" He grabbed your hand and placed it over your head, pressing you further into the wall. He hummed in his velvet, smooth voice, "Never." With that he released you, pushing you back into the hallway so you could return to lessons.

"Meet me in my classroom at 9:00, detention for being so insufferable." You looked behind you to argue but he had gone, seemingly vanishing into thin air. Ugh, how am i meant to have a detention with Snape without being caught? He must have something figured out...

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