{ chapter 38 }

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You were all positioned shoulder to shoulder around the armchair that Draco was sat in, prepared for whoever Lucius may bring with him. Suddenly you felt a small tug at your fingers. You looked down to see Snape interlocking his fingers with yours and holding your hand tightly. " He will not lay a hand on you Y/N, I promise." He whispered, rubbing your hand with his thumb. You looked into his eyes adoringly, " Kiss me Sev." As soon as you leaned in you felt a solid kick to your shin." Ouch Lupin!" You turned to him, shoving his shoulder. " No time for any of that Miss L/N, he will definitely be on his way by now." ugh.

* Woosh * Everyone shot their wands up, expecting Lucius along with half of The dark lords' army to enter the room. It was just him and his cane, slowly making his way towards you. " We have your son Lucius. We know you are aware of where Jasmine is, so tell us or things will get dirty." You spat. Lucius laughed, chuckling to himself, " Oh but you like it dirty, don't you Y/N?" He raised his cane, about to touch your face- " Id step away from my girlfriend if I were you Malfoy." Snape intercepted his cane before it made contact with you, still gripping onto your hand. Girlfriend? Officially! " Oh, your girlfriend is it? Is that what she is to you now, no longer your little fuck doll?"

Snape stepped out of the circle you were in, grabbing Lucius by the neck and pressing his wand against his temple. " Tell us where the girl is and your son will be released." Lucius took his wand and pressed it against Snape's forearm where his dark mark was hidden, " Let go of my son or your secret will be released." He growled, what secret? With that, Snape lunged back and began firing spells. Soon Lupin was firing spells too. Both men were fighting Lucius, you and Luna tucked behind them. All of a sudden everyone ceased fire, Lucius had given up, "Give me my son and I will tell you where she is." Luna pushed through Lupin and Snape, " Tell us where she is and you can have your son, don't worry we really don't want to keep him."

Everyone still had their wands raised including you, " Make your decision fast Malfoy, you have no idea how badly I want to hurt you." Lucius eyed you up, " We both know you don't want to hurt me little witch, we were sleeping together only a few days ago." What?! " Bullshit Lucius and you know it!" You shouted. " Ah but I'm not. Do you not remember telling me how much you craved a man who could actually pleasure you? Telling me Severus just ' couldn't hit the spot'." You could only see red now. Instead of walking up to him to confront him, you walked behind Draco and put your wand against his head." Firstly, you are going to tell everyone that you are lying about sleeping with me because I would NEVER lay a hand on you. Secondly, you are going to tell us where Jasmine is." - " Or what?" Lucius sneered.  " Or I will use a little curse that starts with 'cru' and ends with 'cio'." You looked him dead in the eyes as everyone turned their attention to you, shocked that you were threatening to use an unforgivable curse.

" You wouldn't." - " Oh but I fucking would." You pressed your wand harder into Draco's temple. You heard Lucius' breath hitch in his throat, deciding if you were bluffing or actually being serious. " I lied...we didn't sleep together." He mumbled. " And where is Jasmine?" You demanded. " I don't know." You pointed your wand at him now, " TELL ME." - " Knockturn Alley was the last time I saw her, she was wandering around seemingly looking for someone. Then I saw her talking to a mysterious looking man and entering Borgin and Burkes with a boy." Knockturn Alley, the place in Diagon Alley devoted to dark arts... " How long ago was this?" You asked. " Recent." He replied.

You looked at Snape. He nodded his head and you released Draco. Lucius immediately ran at him and apparated away with Draco in his arms, "Using Crucio would have been way too far Miss L/N." Lupin commented. " I was never going to use it, only a threat." Snape put his hand on your shoulder, " Quite convincing if I do say so myself darling." - " Anything to shut him up. No way in hell would I let him get away with not telling us where she is, let alone convincing you I was sleeping with him." Snape held your waist and pulled you in, before you kissed him you turned to Lupin mockingly, " Can i kiss my boyfriend professor, or are you going to kick me again ?" He laughed and nodded. You jumped into Snape's arms and began passionately kissing him, Lupin and Luna stepped out of the room to give you some space.

The kiss broke with the perfect sound of release.  " Boyfriend and girlfriend hm?" You purred. He stroked your face tenderly," One day it will be husband and wife." You melted into his lips again, lightly moaning into his mouth before you heard the voice of Lupin shout from outside. " Okay! We get the point, you can stop now!" You giggled to yourself before sealing Snape's lips with one last kiss." Shut up Lupin, we all know you hate it because you get no action!" - " That's no way to talk to your professor." He exclaimed. " We are not in school last time I checked." You heard Luna's giggles echo from beside him. " That proves my point." You laughed as Snape continued to hold your waist. " We will continue this later Sweetheart." He whispered down your neck. We sure will.

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