{ chapter 13 }

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It was Saturday. You had decided to wake up a bit before breakfast so you could catch up with Lupin about the plan. Your dream from the night before kept playing on your mind. Your desire for Snape continued to sit like a pit in your stomach, you had not spoken properly in weeks. If Lupin could not get through to him, then it was going to be a lot harder to successfully see him than you originally thought.

* knock knock * You stepped into Lupin's classroom. " Thank god you are here! I wasn't sure where you would be on the weekend but I guess I got lucky." Lupin greeted you with a warm smile. " Hello to you too miss L/N." he chuckled,  " How can I help you?" You had become quite comfortable in Lupin's presence now, you casually sat on his desk and began to talk. " My potions studies, if you can't get through to professor Snape it's honestly okay, but at least tell me just so I know." Lupin stood up and began to wipe his chalk board clean, " Miss L/N, i was meaning to tell you that I did actually speak to him. However, he said that he is not willing due to something about you ignoring his letters?" What is he talking about? You had received no letters.

You shook your head, " I don't recall receiving any letters Professor." Lupin continued to tidy his classroom and pass you random objects to hold for him, " That's what he told me miss L/N, my knowledge is as good as yours." You helped put the objects back in their place and walked towards the door, " Thank you Professor, have a good rest of your day." He waved you off and you made your way back to your dorm to wake Jasmine for breakfast. Letters...letters?


You made it back to your dorm, Jasmine was still fast asleep so you decided to let her rest . You and your friends were planning to go to Hogsmeade later that day, so you decided to pick an outfit now so you didn't have to later. You walked towards the large wooden wardrobe that you and Jasmine shared, and began to flick through your many clothes. The days were getting colder and you knew you would need a jumper, especially if you were going out later in the evening when it would be chilly. Where is that emerald green jumper I like? You rummaged all through your side of the wardrobe attempting to find it. When it was nowhere to be seen you assumed Jasmine had borrowed it and forgotten to give it back. Lets see...

You started to dive through her side of the wardrobe to retrieve the jumper you were now set upon wearing. Aha! Folded up neatly on the top shelf was your beloved, green, knitted jumper. You pulled it off the shelf and just as you were about to close the door, something caught your eye. A box, made of cardboard that was shoved towards the back end of the wardrobe. That's weird. You pulled it half way out so you could see the contents, piles of letters plastered with classic red stamps to seal them. Aww, Jasmine must keep all of the letters she receives from her family during the year. You opened one up sneakily, your family never sent you letters, you wanted to see what it was like to be checked up on by the people that were supposed to love you the most. You pulled out one of the pieces of paper from the envelope and unfolded it, "Dear Gryffindor...signed Snape." Oh my fuck. You opened another one, " Continue to ignore my letters and I will ignore you Miss L/N...signed Snape." Your heart sank, you decided to read another, " Lupin spoke to me, private lessons? You'd like that wouldn't you...signed Snape." She hid them?!

As you reached into the box to grab another, you heard the creaking of Jasmine getting out of bed. You scooped the letters back into the box, shoved it into the cupboard and turned around the face her with a smile." Morning Y/N, what were you stealing from my wardrobe this time?" She giggled. " Oh um...just my jumper actually, you took it." She looked at the jumper you were grasping in your hand, " Ah yes sorry honey. Are you exited for Hogsmeade later?" You were still in disbelief about what you had just found. "Yeah...super exited, I'll meet you downstairs for breakfast." With that you swiftly left the room and sped down to the great hall to find Snape, you had to speak with him.

Right in the doorway of the great hall about to go in was a very tired looking Snape, it seemed as though he had been loosing sleep recently over something but you didn't want to bring it up. "Professor Snape!" you called to him, no answer. He didn't even look in your direction, but you knew he had heard you. You became flustered," I wasn't aware about the letters, they had been hidden from me and..." he walked into the great hall leaving you stood alone in the hallway. Professor... Jasmine appeared behind you after about two minutes of you simply stood there alone trying not to scream, cry or throw up. You took one look at her over your shoulder and muttered, " I'm not hungry." Then left.

First her telling Dumbledoor about Snape, then hiding his letters. But why? Does she really hate him that much?! You took a walk around the grounds, they really were beautiful at sunrise. You attempted to clear your head, but you kept thinking about what you were going to do now with the information you had found. I'll play it normal, pretend I saw nothing. Then get absolutely shit faced at the hog's head later on. You smirked at your own stupid plan, you didn't know who to go to anymore. You didn't want to tell Lupin too much about your personal life, your best friend was currently a nobody in your eyes and Snape was completely ignoring you. Maybe getting drunk isn't a bad idea after all.

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