{ chapter 33 }

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"Ahh there they are, the two love birds!"

Lupin sniggered. You giggled in response but Snape certainly didn't.

" We are here to find a potentially dangerous witch Remus, not for your enjoyment."

You hit Snape playfully.

" Oh come on Sev, surely we can have a bit of fun. You don't have to be moody all the time!"

You pushed.Lupin and Luna walked off down the lamp lit streets of Hogsmeade.

" Wait up, we're just coming!"

You called after them, when you felt a warm, strong hand on your shoulder.

" Don't think i won't punish you for that little charade you pulled Gryffindor, I am still your professor after all."

Snape hummed down your neck. Something inside told you that being punished by Snape may not be such a bad thing.

"I was just telling the truth. And if I'm being honest, you are sort of proving my point."

You added. You were about to walk away when he pulled you back, his hands seductively exploring your hips.

"Oh I can be fun Y/N...very fun indeed. But there is a job to be done and I suggest we do it fast, I can not buy us much time with Dumbledore."

More like Dumblewhore.

"Let's get on with it then."

You purred, taking his hands off your hips and grasping them in yours. Your fingers intertwined perfectly, even though his hands were considerably bigger. It was just him and you, catching up to the very enthusiastic Lupin and Luna whilst holding each other's hands with the upmost tenderness.

" Maybe the dog was right...we do happen to resemble 'love birds' of sorts."

Snape spoke in his usual monotone voice.

The dog? Did he mean Lupin?

You nodded your head and laughed in agreement. When you first met Snape, not even four months ago, he was simply a naughty fantasy to get you through the day, now you felt your relationship growing stronger with every touch, every whisper, every smile and every kiss. You finally caught up with the two, they had unsurprisingly found their way into the Hog's head. The memories of you being so drunk that you couldn't stand, meeting Draco for the first time, finding your way into Snape's chambers and why you even went drinking in the first place all came flooding back.

" Are.You.Joking."

Snape muttered under his breath. You dragged him through the doors by his arm.

" Come on Sev, you said you were fun, no? It's only a quick detour, I promise!"

He didn't fight, just followed. You approached the table where Lupin and Luna were already sat. Everyone remained put as you walked up to get yourself a drink. You were about to go up to the bar when you heard a chillingly familiar voice lurking behind you.

" No shots of vodka this time darling, be a good girl for once."

You turned around to be met with the icy blue-eyed stare of Lucius Malfoy.

" I went to the ball with your son Malfoy, what do you want?!"

You spat. He grasped your chin and tilted it towards him.

" No making a scene now darling, your precious Severus is still in danger of loosing his job."

He shushed, you felt entirely patronised.

" You are going to tell me right now why you are here, and what exactly you are doing."

He added.

To hell you were.

" If you think I'm going to tell you anything, you are dumber than your stupid brain fuck of a son." 

You spoke.

" Oh save it sweetheart, you couldn't do anything to stop me if you tried."

He chuckled to himself menacingly. You looked over his shoulder and immediately smiled.

"Maybe not...but they could."

Suddenly spells were fired. Snape, Lupin and Luna had all seen Lucius approach you and had been looming behind him and waiting to strike the entire time. To your surprise Lucius fought back, reflecting spells, sending ones back you had never even heard of before.

No wonder the man is a fucking deatheater.

Soon enough, Lucius apparated away.

"Detour over."

Snape demanded bluntly, grabbing your wrist and dragging you away from the bar.

" But I didn't even get a drink!"

You wined. He spun you around so you were facing him.


He boomed. You immediately cowered, tears welling in your eyes.

" Come on Miss L/N, he is right. It's too dangerous here, especially with a deatheater involved."

Lupin spoke softly, attempting to lower the tension. You raised your voice, still holding back tears.

" Imagine working for the dark lord, how much of a fucking coward do you need to be to turn to him of all people?!"

Luna placed a hand on your shoulder.

" I agree, Lucius is one sad man. I pity him really, anyone in that position must feel so unbelievably alone in life."

A look you had never seen before emitted in Snape's eyes. It was impossible to name what exact emotion it was, but it resembled almost guilt.

" I want to sleep, I'm officially finished for today. We can continue tomorrow when I don't feel like killing someone or drinking 32 shots of whatever i can find behind the bar."

You muttered, Luna and Lupin were laughing but you were being deadly serious. Snape spoke up over the obnoxious giggling.

" I know a place."

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