{ chapter 25 }

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Jasmine's wand in hand, you began to walk to Dumbledoor's office. You remembered the way from when Filch had taken you there to be told you could no longer see Snape. If Jasmine thinks she can get away with this then she is fucking deluded. You got to the door of Dumbledoor's office and without hesitation, knocked twice loudly. * bang bang * His voice boomed, " Enter."

You stepped into his office to be faced with Dumbledoor sat at his desk and Snape stood next to him holding a pile of papers . You locked eyes with your professor for a split second then looked towards Dumbledoor. " I need to report an incident Headmaster." He looked at you and then at Snape, knowing that you were not meant to be in the same room together," Is it urgent?" He questioned. You closed the door behind you, " An emergency." You replied. He stood up, " Very well Miss L/N, what is it?"

You walked towards him and took a deep breath, " I was in the hospital wing when Jasmine Silverlite entered, we talked, I found out she had purposely planned my quidditch accident. I was obviously...upset, I raised my voice at her which caught madam pomfrey's attention. She approached and Jasmine pulled her wand out on her." Dumbledoor's eyes widened, " So I used my wand to disarm her before she had the chance to attack. I brought her wand to you as I thought it was the right thing to do." You placed Jasmine's wand on his desk and looked up at Dumbledoor to see his reaction, trying hard not to make eye contact with Snape whilst in his presence. "Using magic against a student without reason is prohibited miss L/N, you realise you are in the wrong don't you?" Wha?! You were speechless.

"But there was a reason." Snape's voice broke the silence. You turned your vision, trying not to smile at him defending you. " I agree headmaster, if I didn't intervene then Jasmine would have attacked one of your staff. Not to mention the fact that she planned my accident on purpose to injure me. I just did what any good witch would have." You muttered. Dumbledoor reached out his hand, " A good witch would not be debating with me Miss L/N, you know better than that. Your wand please." You passed over your wand completely confused as to why Dumbledoor was punishing you. By the look on Snape's face, he was perplexed too. " Don't worry, I will deal with Miss Silverlite separately." He announced. Stupid bearded fuck.

Snape raised an eyebrow. Did he just read my mind? Snape's lips raised into a small smirk. He had, seemingly finding your remark about Dumbledoor amusing. " You may leave now Miss L/N." Dumbledoor instructed. You nodded, taking one last look at Snape before leaving.

You were now stood outside Dumbledoor's office with no wand and no idea what to do . The thought of going to find Jasmine and strangling her with your bare hands certainly crossed your mind, but you decided against it. " I'm not a fool Severus." You heard Dumbledoor's voice echo through the door. You pushed your ear against it to hear more of the conversation, " The way she looked at you just moments ago, it was a plain look of adoration if I've ever seen one." Oh no, was it that obvious? " You don't feel the same towards the girl Severus, do you?" You waited for his response but he said nothing. " You may leave, but remember what I told you and keep it strictly confidential." Keep what confidential?

You heard the footsteps of Snape fast approaching the door you were leaning against, Shit shit shit. You scrambled to hide, pushing yourself up against the nearest wall. Snape opened the door and stepped into the hallway. He swiftly closed the door behind him before saying, " I know you are here Gryffindor." In his usual monotone manner. You stepped out from your pathetic hiding space," I'm that predictable hmm?" He looked you up and down, " Precisely."

He gripped your arm and took you down the winding staircase away from Dumbledoor's office." I can't believe him Severus. I mean seriously! I saved madam pomfrey's ass and for what?!" Snape carried on walking, " And Jasmine admitting to planning my injury. She said the only way to be with you was to ' get rid of me'." He continued to walk, holding your arm firmly, "Severus. If it wasn't for me, would you choose Jasmine?" He stopped in his tracks and turned to face you. What is he - He took you by your hips and pulled you in, crashing his lips into yours. Your hands trailed to his silky hair, he broke away just before you had the chance to slip your tongue between his lips like you so desperately craved to do. He placed soft tender kisses up your neck until he got to your ear and hummed in his velvety, deep tone, " I would always choose you."

Your legs almost buckled beneath you in response to his words. You were still surprised that he reciprocated your feelings exactly. "Oh Severus..." He grabbed your arm and continued walking. " Where are we going?" You asked. He smirked, " Private potions lesson." I like the sound of that.

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