{ chapter 6 }

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" Y/N ... Y/N." What? You woke up disoriented and hit your already injured head on the bed post. Ouch, what the? You looked to your side to see a slightly awkward standing Remus Lupin, " Oh goodness Miss L/N, I didn't mean to alarm you! I just thought I'd pop by and see how you were feeling this morning." Your face went red with embarrassment, not the best of ways to wake someone up. " That's um...very nice of you sir." You replied holding your head and adjusting your eyes to the light of the morning.

" I've spoken to madam Pomfrey and she suggested it was okay for you to go back to lessons today." He spoke. You sighed maybe a bit too loudly, and sat up trying to stretch as discretely as possible." I know it's not ideal, but it's D.A.D.A with me this morning so I hope it wont be too bad." He laughed," I'm sure it will be great sir." you replied politely.


He patiently stood outside of the ward and waited for you to get ready. You got into your uniform, made yourself presentable and began to walk with Professor Lupin to D.A.D.A. You talked about your love for quidditch and how potions was your favourite subject, " Potions?" He repeated, looking slightly shocked. You nodded and continued to walk down the corridor with him by your side. "Even though the man who teaches it is not always the most ... pleasant?" This time it was your turn to look at him shocked, he sounded like one of your friends squabbling about someone they didn't like. It came across as almost childish. " You might be surprised Professor, I don't think he is entirely as cold hearted as he appears." Lupin shrugged his shoulders," I wouldn't be too sure miss L/N, Snape tends to-" he was cut off by a very familiar voice.

" Professor Lupin, I will take it from here." It was Snape. He approached you both with a glint of annoyance in his eye. " I am simply walking her to my lesson sir." Lupin replied. " I found her, I took her to the hospital wing, I am certain Im not mistaken in believing she is mine to look after." He replied in his deep, melodic voice . Him acting so possessive over you gave you immediate butterflies. Lupin nodded, looked back at you with a half hearted smile and walked away.

You looked up at Snape, " There was no need for that now, was there?" He turned away from you and began to walk expecting you to follow. " There was no need for you to talk behind my back miss L/N, was there? Yet here we are for the second time." You had not said a single bad word about him, it was all Lupin! If anything you had backed him up.

Why is he walking so damn fast? Slow down! You finally caught up with his long strides, he always walked like there was somewhere important to be and it was surprisingly hard to keep up with. " Sir I said nothing!" He stopped in his tracks and turned around to face you, a part of you forgot just how intimidating he could truly be. " I am beginning to sense a bit of déjà vu Miss L/N, we have had this conversation before. If I were you I'd stop immediately." He spoke in a threatening tone. " It was all Lupin, I was the one who told him that you are not as cold hearted as you may seem." You admitted. Snape looked at you puzzled with a slight curious smirk, " So you are suggesting I have a soft spot?" He questioned, You smiled awkwardly. He turned around and continued to walk whist quietly muttering to himself.

I might be onto something here. " I am suggesting that...yes." You answered, after what seemed like forever trying to continually catch up with him. He stopped again suddenly, causing you to almost crash into him. Let's not do that again if I can help it. " And why is that?" He questioned looking down at you now. You mumbled  nervously, " Well...you seem to be being quite nice to me." He huffed in response, " Don't get used to it." You rolled your eyes and kept walking until you finally got to your lesson. " Thanks prof-" he cut you off, " Save it Gryffindor." and walked down the corridor, cloak trailing behind him dramatically. Wha?! I guess he meant what he said when he told me to not get used to it.

You pushed open the door of the classroom to be greeted with the warm smile of Lupin. "Glad you could make it Miss L/N." You took your stuff and sat down at the closet desk to the door. " Sorry." You mouthed at him shrugging your shoulders. He nodded " it's okay dear, I understand ."

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