{ Chapter 27 }

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" So you are telling me that I did not just witness Snape pressed up against you whilst leaning in to kiss you?" Lupin questioned, almost laughing in disbelief. You tried to calm the situation, "Well...when you say it like that it sounds wrong professor-." he cut you off, "Because it is wrong Miss L/N, very wrong."

You looked up at Snape, who seemed surprisingly calm for being in the situation that could get you both into masses of trouble. " You are overreacting Remus..." Snape spoke in his monotone, uncaring manner, " Miss L/N is 18 years of age, she is perfectly capable of making her own choices." Remus shot him a hard look. Snape was right, it's not as if you and him doing things with one another was illegal, Lupin was just being quite understandingly over protective. " So are you just using her as a doll for your own personal pleasure, or actually protecting and caring for her Severus?" Lupin uttered, you were taken aback. Lupin...

"Remus!" You shouted. You thought using his first name would give more of an effect, it did and he listened straight away. " I am beyond safe. Thank you for looking out for me as you have so far, but this is not a situation I want or need to be saved from ." You could feel Snape move closer to you, attempting to re-enforce your statement in his own silent way. You and Lupin held eye contact until he was convinced you were telling the truth. " Very well." Lupin muttered, " I am sorry for intruding."

You nodded at him kindly smiling, " It's okay professor, you had all the right to have questions." Snape placed a hand on the small of your back from behind, " I don't think it is okay, he suggested I was using you for my own personal pleasure . He seemingly has no idea what he is talking about, i suggest he stops sniffing like a dog in other people's buissness." You turned to look at him, completely taken aback , "Severus!" You exclaimed, he shrugged his shoulders and stared hard in Lupin's direction. What the hell was that for?

The sly bickering between Lupin and Snape continued for about another minute, sending subtle jabs to each other until you couldn't take it anymore. " Can someone please explain what the issue is?!" Snape was clearly on the brink of losing it with Lupin and unexpectedly spat, " YOU." Me...? Lupin shook his head in annoyance, "What Severus is trying to say without loosing his shit...is we both care about you in one way or another and want to you be safe. I don't entirely trust him and he doesn't trust me." Oh seriously...

You tilted your head, disappointed in why these two men were arguing about trusting each other when it should be you choosing to trust them. "Well I trust you both, so please don't make the only student here have to teach the professors how to get along." Lupin began to walk to the classroom doors to leave when Snape pulled out his wand, "Obliviate!" The charm hit Lupin with a flash, he looked around confused and swiftly left.

You spun to face Snape, who still had his wand gripped tightly in his hand," Did you just..." he finished your sentence," Erase his memory? Indeed, he won't remember a thing." You rolled your eyes, " Could have done that to begin with! Would have saved a lot of unnecessary bickering between the two of you." His lips rose into a small smirk, " I quite enjoyed putting him in his place." You playfully hit his arm," Severus!" He swooped you up and placed you onto an empty desk, "Lupin is an imbecile, he deserved it." Snape tried to explain. You began to run your fingers through his charcoal locks as he placed his large hands on your knees," Lucius is the biggest imbecile of them all and you said nothing to him." You fired back. Snape's eyes flashed with regret, " I couldn't, you will understand why in time." Will I ?

You hopped off the desk and grabbed your cloak, the black box with the dress inside and took one last smell of the amortentia before heading out of the door. " I best be off to herbology now Sev, see you later." He nodded and you walked off down the hall towards the greenhouse. That was too close.

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