{ chapter 23 }

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It had been a week since you had faced Lucius and had been forced to go to the ball with Draco. The day of the ball was fast approaching, and you were yet to receive your dress or even tell Draco that you were to be his date. The past week you had been seeing Snape every night in secret for private potions lessons, they had been going well and you finally felt like you were not so behind anymore. You hadn't officially forgiven Snape, but he was just about in your good books.

You walked into D.A.D.A early to be met by Lupin sat at his desk. " Morning Professor." you chimed . He didn't have the usual smiley look on his face, something felt off, "Are you okay sir?" He beckoned you over to him with a half smile plastered on his face, " Morning Miss L/N, I thought Id warn you in advance due to potential awkwardness...Draco is joining this class." Fuck.

Since you no longer took part in an ' official' potions class, D.A.D.A with Lupin was up there on your list of favourites. Now it had very rapidly moved to the bottom of that list." Thanks for warning me, as long as he is far away from where I'm sat it's all okay." Lupin cleared his throat with an awkward cough, " Um...about that." Well fuck me sideways, " There has been a request put in for him to sit next to you." Your urge to Avada kedavra yourself was ever growing.

" Was the request put in by a much older, much longer haired Malfoy by chance?" Lupin's eyes widened, " How did you know?" You rolled your eyes is disbelief about what you were going to say, " He has also requested that I go to the Yule Ball with Draco too, I don't exactly have a choice...but that's a story for another day." Lupin leaned forward in his desk, " Excuse me, what do you mean you don't have a choice?!" You placed a friendly hand on his, " Like I said professor, it's a story for another day. I'll explain it all another time, class is about to start after all." He reluctantly nodded and you went to sit down as the rest of the class flooded through the doors.

Lupin had just started to write on the board when the doors to the classroom flew open. In strolled the blonde haired prick, also known as Draco. " You are late Malfoy, sit next to Miss L/N." Lupin spoke. Draco's face lit up seeing you, " It would be my pleasure." Ugh gross. He approached the seat next to you and sat, he rested his arm on the back of your chair and you shifted uncomfortably.

" Recovered from your breakdown in the library yet L/N ?" You rolled your eyes and sighed, " I'll slap you again if you're not careful." He smirked to himself after hearing your comment, " I wouldn't be so sure, I don't expect my father would like that." Your heart froze, it was clear he knew about his father's demands and was playing into them. " I'm assuming you know about the deal then Draco." You whispered. He leaned towards you and sneered, " The ball will be fun, and so will you coming back to my room afterwards." Hell no. " That is not part of the deal and you know it." You spat. " It won't have to be, you will be begging for me to let you come back anyway."

This boy disgusted you, he was exactly like his father in the worst ways possible. No manners, monstrous ego, creepy half smile that made your stomach flip. You knew you were going to get groped in one way or another when going to the ball with him, that is why you didn't want to go in the first place." Not a chance Malfoy, I'd rather kiss a toad." You uttered. He looked into your eyes letting out a smirk, " Well I've heard you'd rather kiss a certain potions professor." Oh I am going to slap him so fucking- " Miss L/N!" You jumped out of your enraged daze, " Just making sure you are concentrating on the lesson." Lupin had unknowingly just saved Draco from being beaten the shit out of, but also you from being in serious trouble with Lucius. You didn't know quite whether to be mad at him or grateful.

" Oh...yeah I'm concentrating." You chirped. " Very good." Lupin replied, and continued to teach. Draco placed his hand subtly on your thigh under the table and began moving it up towards your skirt. You grabbed his hand to stop it but he kept sliding it upwards, "Stop Draco." You whispered as to not distract the class, he didn't listen." Resist, and I will tell my father you refused to go to the ball with me.You are aware of what happens next." Tears began to well in your eyes as his hand found the hem of your skirt and dove under it, groping you aggressively. Notice Lupin. Notice please!

Lupin turned around to see your tear filled eyes,  " Miss L/N, do you need a moment outs-" you cut into his sentence," Yes!" And immediately stood up. Lupin caught a glimpse of Draco's hand come out of your skirt as you stood. You walked out of the classroom on the brink of breaking down and Lupin ran after you. You tried to walk away but he grabbed your wrist," What did he do Y/N, tell me right now." You spun to look at him, " Nothing." He shook his head, " If you don't want me to report it I won't, i know you are against the Malfoy's in this situation, but I want to help you. What did he do?" You began to break down and without hesitation, Lupin immediately pulled you into his chest to comfort you, " He put his hand up my skirt Professor...he...he told me if I resisted then there would be consequences so I just sat there letting it happen, praying you would notice." You began to hyperventilate.

You could feel Lupin's grip tighten around you, "Breathe for a minute okay, In and out...there you go." You controlled your breathing like Lupin told you to and you began to calm down. " I'm here for you okay, go to madam Pomfrey and tell her I sent you. Have some rest and don't return to this lesson for today." You nodded. " Thank you professor." He held your shoulder lightly, " You are one brave witch Miss L/N, don't forget it." He calmly re-entered his classroom, and you began to walk to the hospital wing still lightly shaking. I need Severus.

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