{ chapter 37 }

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You had returned back to Hogwarts. You had gotten changed back into your robes but made sure you were wearing something slightly revealing under your cloak. First lesson was D.A.D.A which was great. It meant Lupin was the professor so he could help if anything went wrong and Draco was sitting right next to you.

You entered the classroom. Lupin was sat at his desk and you moved to your seat where Draco was already sat waiting. Seduce him, just imagine he is Severus. You approached him, just as you were about to sit you dropped your wand to the floor. " oh no!" You exclaimed in a suggestive voice, bending down to get it just enough so Draco had the perfect view up your skirt. You sat down after retreating the wand to be met with Draco's hand already on the chair. He gripped your ass and sneered in your ear. " Someone is feeling naughty today." Ew. You conjured up your best fake smile, " Only for you Malfoy." You felt like you wanted to throw up, not only were you being groped but you had to encourage it.

Lupin locked eyes with you, he could see what was going on but you just nodded at him as if to say ' don't worry'. Draco continued to grab your ass with one hand whilst training up your thigh with the other. You took a deep breath,"Professor, I need to step out of the classroom with Draco." Draco's eyes widened excitedly," Why is that Miss L/N?" Lupin asked. " Umm, we both lost our wands." You replied, hoping Lupin would get the hint and let you leave. " You may go." You shot up from your chair, dragging Draco with you.

As soon as you stepped out the classroom you turned to Draco." You need to come with me." He looked at you lustfully," Where to? Somewhere private so I can see that pretty little body of yours I hope." Suddenly you felt the feeling you were being watched. You looked down the hall to see Snape stood there, listening to what Draco was saying." Just follow me Draco, you know you want to." You held onto his tie and dragged him in hope he would follow, he stood still. " Why should I trust you Y/N?" He spoke. You froze, staring at Snape down the hallway. "Because...because I-" Without warning, Draco crashed his lips into yours and began to furiously make out with you. You were so shocked you kept your eyes open the entire time, watching Snape as he turned his back and walked away.

Draco broke the kiss, " I love you too." Woah.  " Oh um...then follow me." You began to walk down the hallway, him constantly trying to grab your hips and ass as you walked. " Draco, I'm taking you to a place called Spinners End." He stopped walking, " That sounds weirdly familiar." As Draco stood still you saw Snape walk out from a corner behind him. Snape had to apparate you both if there was any chance of getting him all the way to Spinner's end. " Oh um Draco...can I have a hug?" He approached you, " Of course sweetheart." As Draco wrapped his arms around you, groping your back and body, Snape grabbed hold of you both and apparated away in the blink of an eye.


You arrived at Spinner's End with Draco In between yours and Snape's body. " What the fuck?!" Draco shouted. " Stupefy!" Draco froze. Snape carried him and magically restrained him to the armchair in the living room. You took one look at Snape and could see he was upset, " Sev..." Then it hit you, it was due to Draco's kiss. " Come here." You called, he walked towards you and you kissed him tenderly while sweeping his hair from his face. " You know I'd never kiss him willingly, you are the only person for me." You reassured. He held your waist and lowered his head, " I can't help but think you would he better off with someone your age, they could give you so much more in life." You were shocked, you tilted his chin upwards so he was looking directly into your eyes. " You give me what I want and more Sev, I care about you massively. Don't ever let that stupid thought run through your head again, I'm supposed to be the silly one." He let a soft smile form on his lips and kissed your forehead gently.

* Woosh * In apparated Luna and Lupin. " Was it a success ?" Luna asked hopefully. You stepped aside to reveal the magically restrained Draco. " He took the bait with passion." You sighed, " God how I hate men my own age." You looked up at Snape, re emphasising your point from earlier. He smiled down at you and rubbed your shoulder lovingly." Enough of that!" Lupin announced," I expect Lucius will arrive any time now, so we best be prepared." You nodded, grasping your wand from your pocket. " And Y/N, are you okay from what Draco was doing in-" -  " Fine professor...thanks." You cut in, not wanting to talk about it. " Very well, everyone in positions. This encounter won't be a pretty one."

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