{ chapter 8 }

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It was dark and cold. You had already ate dinner with your friends and went up to your dorm. You were planning on talking to Snape like you told jasmine you would, but just as you were about to earlier that day you decided not to. Him reading your mind really shook you, not necessarily in a bad way but it still left you majorly shocked. Jasmine was asleep, it was late and you were not allowed out of your dorm but you needed to clear your head. A walk would be nice. Trying hard not to wake anyone up, you slipped your cloak over your Pjs and crept out of your dorm's door.

You made your way through the Gryffindor common room to the dark hallway that led all around the castle. "Lumos!" You whispered under your breath as you watched the end of your wand begin to glow. " oops sorry...sorry." You muttered to the portraits you had disturbed with your light, it was extremely dark so you had no other choice but to use it.

" Nox your wand !" One of the portraits moaned. " I'm very sorry, but if I want to see I can't really Nox-" you started telling it, until you realised you had accidentally just said the charm that turned off your light. Shit. CRASH! Without being able to see, you walked directly into a suit of armour causing it to collapse to the floor with a deafening *BANG* Double shit! Then you heard footsteps and a voice that sounded like the one of Albus Dumbledoor," WHO GOES THERE ?!" He boomed. Triple shit! You looked all around the dim lit hallway trying to work out where you could hide, Dumbledoor was getting closer and closer to seeing you when you felt a hard tug. Wha?!

You had just been grabbed from behind by the hood of your cloak and pulled into a dark corner of the castle. Your mouth was being covered by a surprisingly warm hand and you were being firmly pressed up against the castle wall. You nervously looked at who it was and was immediately relieved, "Professor!" You tried to mumble as clearly as you possibly could with a hand covering your mouth." Oh shut up will you." He hissed. It was Snape. You had never been so happy to be dragged by the hood of your cloak in your life, and you were especially happy it was by him. Thank god he was here, or I'd be in dumbledoor's office right about now.

Dumbledoor's footsteps soon passed, you had succeeded in not getting caught. He took his hand off of your mouth and you looked up at him with a big smile, breathing heavily as the adrenaline continued to pump through your veins. "You always seem to be getting yourself into trouble miss L/N." He stated bluntly, you shrugged your shoulders, "And you always seem to be there to get me out of it." It was true. Every time you got yourself into a tricky situation it was like he sensed it and either helped or ,like most of the time, insult you about it. He looked down at your hands, that you didn't realise had been grabbing his cloak for what looked like dear life and was still holding onto it very tightly. You quickly let go and brushed where you had just been holding to straighten out the crumpled fabric, " Sorry...my mistake."

He grunted and grabbed you by your hood again pulling you out of the corner to the middle of the hallway. "Lumos!" He uttered, no portrait dared to challenge him when it came to the bright light he was making. He traced his wand up and down as he examined your body. " Going on a late night stroll in your sleeping garments i see." Why does he have to be so posh? Just say pjs! " Yes sir, I needed to clear my head." He looked at you intrigued, " Is that so miss L/N? I must say, you still have many interesting thoughts roaming around in that pretty little mind of yours." This was the opportunity you had been waiting for,"I'd appreciate it if you stopped reading my mind sir, it's an invasion of my privacy." You spoke up, he looked at you with a smirk, " Very well Gryffindor...but that means you must learn to use your words."

Butterflies engulfed your body. Being told by Snape to 'use your words' was almost too much to handle. " Yes sir." You whispered. " Now get yourself back to bed before I call Dumbledoor and get you into a lot of trouble." Walk me back to my dorm then silly. " I will walk you back." His words trickled down your neck. You shot him a look as if to say 'really?!', " Sir you did it again!" He guided you swiftly by the small of your back to the Gryffindor common room," I Do not quite know what you are talking about miss L/N." And with that, vanished into the darkness of the corridor. Charming.

You walked into your dorm and collapsed onto your bed, your heart was doing flips and your cheeks were blushing beyond what you thought was humanly possible. Severus Snape is one very special man indeed.

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