{ Chapter 26 }

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You were now in his empty potions classroom. "Do you not have a class? It's the middle of the day." You questioned. He re-adopted his usual sarcastic manner, " Clearly, can't you see all of the other students in here?" You were the only one in the room. Rolling your eyes with a smirk, you removed your cloak and placed it on the back of a chair. " You do make me laugh Sev." He raised a brow, " Can I call you Sev? I quite like it." He sighed and nodded, walking behind his desk to retrieve a large black box.

He handed it to you, " I had a hard time making a choice. Everything I saw you would have worn beautifully." You opened the box to be presented with the most stunning dress you had ever laid your eyes on. It was jet black, parts of it lace with an elegant open back. " I love it." You held it up against your body and did a small spin, watching the dress flow. " Thank you Sev."

You felt your eyes begin to water, realising the reality of the situation. " It's just a shame I'm wearing it for Draco instead of you." He closed the gap between you and caught the tears running from your eyes with a tender swipe of him thumb. " When you walk into that ball everyone will have their eyes on you Y/N, Dumbledoor can't stop me from being there so I will still have the pleasure of seeing you." You mustered up the best half smile you possibly could and fell into him for a hug. His masculine arms tight around you and his large hands laced in your hair made you feel safe.

You mumbled into his warm chest, " So what do I do about Jasmine?" He pulled back slightly, still holding your waist, " If that pretty little mouth of yours mentions that girls name one more time, I will need to shut it up myself ." You could feel your heart begin to beat faster and your cheeks turn a shade of nervous pink, " And you think that's a threat Professor?" He tightened his grasp on your hips and you almost let out a whimper in response. He hovered over you, " Do I need to shut you up Gryffindor. Yes or no?" You swallowed hard, what do I say? He stood close to your face with overwhelming dominance. "No sir, you don't." He traced your body with his eyes, "Very well." And let go of your hips, making his way towards the blackboard. Damn it.

He quickly transitioned into teacher mode, beginning to scribble on the blackboard.     'amortentia'. You sat at the nearest desk, " I am aware you know how it is made Miss L/N , but I want you to know how it smells." You raised an eyebrow. " But it smells different to each person Professor." He placed down the chalk and approached your desk, placing both hands on it and leaning forwards towards your face, " I want to know if it smells like me." You ran your hands over his torso, tracing over the many buttons of his waistcoat, " Let's get on with it then ."

You began to retrieve the many ingredients needed to brew it. Before you knew it, you had made the perfect amortentia.You looked up at him, he nodded proudly. " What now?" You questioned, as he walked to your side and placed a hand on the small of your back. " Tell me what you smell darling, every note." You bent down to smell the cauldron, accidentally grinding against Snape as you did so. " I smell pine, the embers of a fireplace, fresh parchment..." You lifted yourself away from the potion, turning yourself to face your awaiting professor, " And your cologne." His face stayed expressionless but you could see an undeniable glint of joy in his eyes.

" Your turn." You persisted. He spun you around, pushing you against the desk and leaning over you to smell the potion himself. " It smells floral, with a hint of vanilla. Ever so sweet, it reminds me of something ..." he uttered, turning you back around to face him yet still pinning you to his desk. "And what would that be Severus?" You dragged out his name in a flirtatious manner. He tilted your chin upwards, " The taste of those gorgeous lips." You wrapped your arms around his neck, playing with the back of his silky hair, " Why don't you taste them again then?" You whispered. Just as your lips were about to meet, the classroom door flung open.

You both jumped, looking towards the door. " So...is this what you get up to in those private potions lessons of yours ?" The sound of Lupin's voice echoed across the room. Shit.

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