{ chapter 3 }

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The morning sun beamed in through the window as you tried your shield your eyes. " Bloody hell Y/N, someone would think you have never seen sunlight. You're like mr dungeon bat himself, professor Snape!" Jasmine laughed. Just hearing his name gave you a feeling of panic and anxiety as you began to think about how your interaction later in your detention would pan out.

You decided it was time to get up and get ready for breakfast. You walked down with Jasmine to the great hall and caught Snape's eye almost as soon as you walked in. Shit, he's watching me. You purposefully sat in a way where you could not make eye contact with him. You stayed silent for almost the whole of breakfast and only spoke up at the end, " My last lesson is Herbology jaz." Jasmine smiled. " I'll come collect you from there then." You parted ways before leaving breakfast for your first lessons.


You were back in D.A.D.A. You lay with your head on the desk, it was pounding hard and your eyes struggled to stay open. It was impossible not to think about your detention later, and those nervous thoughts were grating away at you. " Is everything okay miss L/N?" Professor lupin inquired in what seemed like out of nowhere. You nodded, " Mhm yeah." He didn't seem convinced. " Step outside the classroom if you please." Just when I thought today could not get anymore stressful.

You stepped outside and Lupin quickly followed, "Is everything alright professor?" You asked half heartedly. " I saw what happened yesterday at dinner miss L/N, I'm not aware of the full story but professor Snape seemed to have gone pretty well...hard on you. I just wanted to check in." Lupin smiled, you found it sweet that he cared enough to check in but you didn't know exactly how to respond. "It's all good sir, thank you though." He patted your back with a nod and you re-entered the classroom. What a nice guy.


It was now the last lesson of the day. Herbology with professor sprout was always eventful, last lesson someone passed out due to the mandrakes and madam Pomfrey had to carry them out on a stretcher. If you had to choose a second favourite subject, herbology would be it. A lot of the things grown were very useful in potion making so they naturally went hand in hand. You kept looking at the clock, nervously seeing the minutes creep closer and closer to the time when you had to see Snape again. " Class dismissed!" You could see Jasmine at the door of the greenhouse waiting for you so she could walk you to the potions classroom for detention. You tried to move as slowly as possible when walking there but she wasn't having it, " Come on Y/N, you have already taught Snape a lesson once, just do it again!" She dragged you all the way there.

When you arrived, you took a deep breath, looked back at Jasmine and pushed the doors open. Stood with his arms crossed watching your every move was Snape. " Ever heard of knocking? Seems the brat is incompetent and has no manners." He snarled. He is being such a twat already! You stood there waiting for further instructions. He approached you, towering over you and looking down on you. "Last lesson herbology was it?" He questioned expressionlessly. "Yes sir." He chuckled to himself and suddenly raised his hand, grazing his thumb over your chin, slightly tilting it upwards in the process. For some unexpected reason you felt your heart flip and beat out of your chest . What is he doing? " sir...I." You started. "Dirt." He said. You looked at him confused. " That's how I knew you had herbology miss L/N, you had a smudge of dirt on your face. I was simply assisting you in getting it off." He spoke in his silky, matter of fact tone.

That made sense, but you felt almost defeated by the truth of why he had done it. He walked away from being over you to a nearby bookshelf and began to sort through potion books." I have to say, you did impress me with your answers yesterday." He began," Thank you sir." you replied surprised he was being nice, but then his demeanour changed completely," So tell me Gryffindor, what exactly did you say about me behind my back yesterday. " Why is he addressing me by my Hogwarts house? Only because I'm not one of his beloved Slytherins.

He asked in such an enticing way that it made you want to immediately tell him that you didn't mean anything you had said, but you knew if you even admitted to saying anything at all you would get an even bigger punishment then you were already about to get. " I said nothing." He was still sorting out the books, not looking at you when he half whispered, "Careful miss L/N, I'm not one people tend to lie to." You thought about what Jasmine had said about teaching him a lesson. He needs to be taught. So you swallowed hard and recited louder than before. " I said nothing professor, you must be hearing things."

Without warning, Snape dropped the pile of books he was holding onto the floor, turned around and began to corner you. Oh no. His hands placed themselves above your head against the potion classrooms wall using his torso to act as a barrier to stop you from escaping. Oh god, why am I enjoying this? Your heart was beating faster and faster. "Did you hear me when I said don't lie to me brat, you have crossed a very serious line." He growled looking down at you, as if he was expecting you to simply buckle beneath his dominance. As much as disrespecting Snape felt wrong, you needed to show him and your friends that you were not scared of him. Finally, you looked him in the eye, pouted your lips and said, " I'm so sorry Severus, have I pushed your buttons?" That was too much for him, you had far crossed the limit now and there was no going back. Shit on a broomstick.

" leave." He spoke in his normal monotone voice, distancing himself from you. " But my detent..." he cut you off, " Detention is over, leave!" You nodded and walked out of the door, Snape slammed it behind you using his wand to do so and you smiled to yourself almost proud. Well, I guess he just proved my point about pressing his buttons. But a huge part of you felt awful that you allowed your friend's opinions of Snape to reflect onto yours, but it did feel as though you were even now. The warm feeling inside you and your fast heart beat had not gone, even by the time you got back to your dorm it had not gone. Snape made you feel a certain way and you needed to find out why.

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