{ chapter 17 }

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The taste of being so close to pleasure, then being withdrawn from it so suddenly was still bitter on your tongue. You had learnt by now that Snape was unpredictable, but how could he have possibly gone from being vulnerable to so cold that fast? You continued to walk down the corridors as the sun just started to rise, and made your way to your favourite tree, sitting against it thinking. What did he have to do that was so important that he needed to leave?

After all of the drama of getting absolutely wasted at The Hog's Head, you had completely forgotten to even mention to Snape about your private lessons to keep your grades stable. For fuck sake. All of a sudden, in the distance you saw the flow of Snape's cloak and raven hair moving towards the direction of the forbidden forrest. That's weird...

You stood up from under the tree and began your attempt in following him, when you felt a grip on your wrist causing you to turn around, "Jasmine!What are you doing out here at this time?" She looked back at you completely shocked, " I could ask you the exact same thing actually, further more, where were you last night? You didn't come back to our dorm, I was worried sick!" Shit. " Urm...I was-" she cut you off, " And what are you wearing, are those someone's boxers? Y/N -L/N...did you go home with someone!?" You were wracking your brain as what to say, it couldn't get found out that you were interacting with Snape at all, let alone sleeping in his bed. " Draco...I went back with Draco." She gasped,"What...MALFOY?! You looked as though you hated when he came up to you last night, In fact you pretty much ignored him."

You had to run with the lie now. You looked behind you, but Snape was far gone. " I must have had a few too many drinks and ended up staying with him for the night, sorry Jaz." She breathed a sigh of relief, " Well at least I know you are safe now." She rubbed your arm but you automatically flinched slightly. You had not forgotten what she had done to you, you wanted to confront her about the letters but hadn't had the right opportunity yet.

"I'll be sure to ask Draco how his night was at breakfast then." She giggled . If Draco hears about this I am doomed. " Noooo...um no need for that. He wanted it to be a secret, you can't tell anyone or mention it to him at all." You smiled awkwardly and Jasmine nodded reluctantly unsure whether or not to believe you completely.

You grabbed her shoulder and began to drag her back into the building ," let's go back to our dorm, we can get ready together for breakfast and I can get out of these clothes." She nodded, " I mean...is Draco any good at-" you stopped her before she could finish, " Don't even start ." And you continued to quickly walk, still thinking about what Snape was up to and where he was actually going.

The thought of him being so close to meeting your lips, like he had in your dream, made your heart beat at speed. He made you feel increasingly excited but also massively cared for at the same time . The way he had sacrificed a comfortable night sleep just for your benefit showed a lot about his true feelings. However, you felt as though he was hiding something, something rooted deep within him.

Why does he randomly shut down, change auras, speak so bluntly with an immense lack of emotion? What is his story? Now, desperately more than anything you wanted to find out more about the mind, and of course body, of Severus Snape. He interested you more than potions alone ever had. You were desperate for your private lessons with Snape, but this time the subject being Snape himself. I only want him.

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