{ chapter 31 }

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" No this is not a joke Remus, she wants me and you to help her. I'm not sure about you, but I'd rather go with her than let her run off by herself." Snape argued. " Forgive me for not believing you Severus, but she is not here right now and I highly doubt she would ask her "secret" potions professor to assist her in her problems." Snape almost forgot that since he obliviated Lupin, he had no idea how close you and him really were. " You are getting on my last nerve Remus, listen to me before I -" You burst through the door, Luna by your side.

" Don't argue, SIT." You demanded. Everyone looked extremely confused. "Don't just bloody stand there, did you not hear me!" Lupin sat, Luna meekly sat next to him and Snape reluctantly leaned himself against a desk to show he was listening but not completely under your control. " Lupin, I assume you have been filled in by Sever... I mean Professor Snape. I have brought Luna here because I believe she may have some information that will prove helpful." You explained. Luna's eyes were wide, she had no idea what you were talking about. " Luna told me that she saw Neville Longbottom walking away with a girl, she was hiding her face. Neville has not been seen since, I believe that girl was Jasmine."

Lupin piped up, " And why exactly would that have been Miss Silverlite? The girl may have simply just been his date to the ball." You held your head in your hands." You don't understand, Luna is his girlfriend and date to the ball, that is why I found the whole situation suspicious in the first place." Snape hummed deeply, " I'd never want to discourage anyone......but people are not always faithful." Not bloody helpful. Luna stood up and made her way beside you in front of the two men, " Not my Neville. He is the most loyal person I know, he is a Gryffindor for god's sake! Someone definitely made him do this." You were so unbelievably proud of Luna in that moment, you put an arm around her and stared down at the two professors.

" I've asked you two to help me because i trust you, I know Jasmine is up to no good and I won't be able to avoid descending into madness if I don't have answers very soon. I know you will look after me Snape, but Lupin please come too. Luna will be, so at least be there for her." You pleaded. Luna grabbed your arm and suddenly went stiff, "Wait...we are going to go and find her...and you want me to come?" She whispered. You nodded, " Yes, if she has taken Neville, you should definitely be there." Lupin got up and placed a hand on your shoulder, " I will help, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I let you just wonder off like I know you would regardless if we assisted or not." You smiled and nodded, " Thank you Professor."

Snape approached you, slightly knocking Lupin out of the way in the process. He placed a hand around your waist and held you to his side. " Y/N and I are seeing each other." The room fell silent. What the fuck is he doing? Wait...did he say we were officially dating?! " If she is hurt, in pain or requires any assistance, bring her to me and only me. Any problems...Speak . Now." You looked up at him with a reassuring smile, it was as if a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. It was obvious Lupin was resisting the urge to freak out, you couldn't help but be slightly amused by it. Luna though, was super supportive and kind as you had expected her to be.

" Me and Luna will go and get changed out of these dresses, you boys...or men, can meet us at the bottom of the astrology tower as soon as you can. It will make a solid meeting point." You made your way out of the classroom with Luna when you were gently pulled back into Snape's chest. " My clever little Gryffindor." He cooed, placing a small kiss on your lips. You blushed then left with Luna.

"Didn't think this is what I'd be doing tonight!" You laughed. " You seem to be rather exited." She replied. " Either I'm that...or absolutely mad." You sighed as you continued your way to the Ravenclaw common room so Luna could get her things. " You're not mad." She said softly, " You're just as sane as I am." She went up to her dorm and you ran to yours, after agreeing to meet eachother back at the astrology tower with your two professors. An unexpected turn of events for sure.

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