{ chapter 22 }

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You were now asleep in Snape's lap, he was sat on his armchair and you were curled up into his cloak. He stroked your head gently, laying small kisses on your forehead every few minutes. * knock knock * The sound of Snape's door didn't wake you, but it certainly caught his attention. He carefully lifted you, placing you back onto the armchair as he approached the door. He opened it to see Lucius standing there, he wasn't holding a wand so Snape didn't either, " Leave Lucius." He growled. Lucius smirked and said in a snarky tone, " I see the sleeping beauty is in your room Severus, I thought you said she wasn't your play thing. Does she call you daddy?" Snape snapped back, " Shut it Malfoy." Lucius stepped close, "Let me in, or 'you know who' will be told all about the other priorities you have over him."

Snape stepped to the side, and in walked Lucius. You began to stir at the sound of the door shutting behind them, " Severus...what was that- WHAT THE-?!" Lucius sneered, " Hello dear." You shot a look at Snape but he was expressionless as per usual. Malfoy approached you, turning your head to the side and exposing your neck," Nasty bruise you have there sweetheart, was that my cane or Severus' mouth?" You ripped your head away from his grasp, "What do you want Malfoy?" You spat spitefully. "For you to go to the Yule ball with my son." Why the hell did Severus let him in? " Or fucking what?" Snape looked at you as if to say 'don't try him', but you didn't care.

Lucius' lips rose into a smirk, " Such a bad mouth for a pretty girl like you. Am I going to have to do something to shut that dirty mouth of yours up?" You watching his hand as it traced down his trousers to grab his crotch suggestively. God no. You shook your head, not saying another word. "If you don't go with him, your beloved Severus will be gone from this school within a week." You gasped, " You will never see him ever again, understand ?" Tears began to fall down your face in rage, I am going to kill this man. " It's okay darling no need to cry, just do as I say." He stroked your face and turned back towards the door. He took one last look at Snape then left.

You shot up from the armchair, " Severus what the fuck was that?!" He began to walk towards you, but you stopped him, " No stop, why would you let him in?" You asked as tears rolled poured from your eyes. " I had to, I was protecting you. It's okay now Y/N." Snape replied bluntly. "Protecting me by letting the father of the boy who assaulted me into the room ? Must be father like son, because he was stood right in front of me grabbing his dick as a threat to if I didn't keep my mouth shut. You just stood there Severus!" No reply," And it's not okay. It's far from okay, because now I need to go to the ball with Draco to save your ass even though you didn't bother to save mine."

Snape looked to the floor, " You don't have to save me, that's not your job." You lifted his chin with your hand and looked him in the eyes, " But I will, because as much as I am mad at you right now I enjoy your company. You probably have your reasons for letting him in that you think I am too dumb to understand, but either way I will go with Draco if it means I get you." He took your face in his hands again, he stared into your eyes deeply. As he leaned in, you placed your finger on his lips before they could connect with yours, " I may be a Gryffindor, but I don't forgive that easily professor." He smirked and nodded, " I am sorry." You placed a hand onto his shoulder as he placed one on your waist, you leaned into him and whispered , "You can buy me a dress for the ball as your apology Severus, I have nothing to wear since I thought I wouldn't be going." Snape whispered back, " I think that can be arranged." You smiled.

" Now go back to bed, it's still late." He muttered, pointing to his room. You took a breath, " You coming?" He raised an eyebrow, " I thought I wasn't forgiven miss L/N." He replied in his husky tone. " Ah yes, you are not. Armchair it is, sweet dreams!" You walked into his room and closed the door behind you. Ugh, Why is it so hard to stay mad at him?

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