{ chapter 21 }

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* WOOSH! * you were now in his dorm. Your arms were around his neck and he was holding you by your waist. You had never apparated before, but Snape made it feel easy. " oh..um sorry." You slid your hands away from around his neck but he guided you still by your waist to his armchair, he sat down but you were too full of adrenaline to sit so you stood. " You slapped Malfoy?" He asked, you panicked, " Yes i did, but you need to understand that i had to. He came onto me and-" Snape cut you off, " I'm proud of you." He isn't mad? You looked at him wide eyed, " Oh Y/N, you seriously thought i would be upset? You really are stupid sometimes." You giggled nervously. " Maybe...?"

Snape shook his head in disbelief and flicked his wand. Soft, slow music started playing and you immediately began to feel relaxed. The rhythm was calming and melodic, you began to sway. "May I have this dance?" You heard his deliciously low voice grumble, Snape had his hand outstretched. " You? Severus Snape?Wanting to dance?!" You giggled jokingly, he nodded as he took your hand in his and placed his other hand on your waist. You began to sway to the music, your head was against his chest and his heart seemed to beat in time with the song. It was a magical moment, all your troubles had disappeared and it was simply just you in his arms.

He spotted the bruise that had formed due to Lucius' cane, it was dark and painful. Whilst both of you were still swaying, he leaned forward and kissed the injured part of your neck softly, his lips warm and smooth. Butterflies engulfed you as you felt his lips against your sensitive skin . You never thought Snape was able to be this meaningful person he was turning out to be, you finally felt as if he had truly opened up. The music began to fade out.

There you were, no more music, in the middle of his chambers, just stood there holding each other, looking into each other's eyes without making a sound. You broke the silence and spoke quietly," I was going to tell you something before Lucius interrupted..." Snape was still holding your waist, " Yes sweetheart." You took a breath and moved your hands to grip his arms, " I like you...a lot. I know you are my professor, but i needed you to know. I think about you constantly, the thought of anyone else having you hurts. Just let me down slowly Severus...please. I don't know how much more my heart can take." I did it, i told him.

You felt his hands move from your waist to your neck, he was looking deeply into your eyes as if you were his most prized possession. He lightly took your face into his hands and guided you in to the most perfect kiss. Oh my. His lips gently caressed yours as he held you close. You felt as though the tenderness of his kiss had levitated you into the clouds, it was so gentle, so pure. His hands glided over your neck and shoulders as yours stayed put on his chest, simply feeling his heart beating just as fast as yours. The kiss broke with the perfect sound of release. He stroked your face and whispered gently, " You were right about that soft spot of mine Gryffindor, you are quite extraordinary." What a man.


A/N: first authors note, hope you are enjoying the fic so far! Feel free to suggest characters for me to add or potential plot lines. Don't worry, there is much more to come, lots of love x

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